Tuesday, March 15
Birthday of the Lovely Lady Sara who is my daughter-in-law to be. Mailed her card on her actual birthday despite having purchased it in early February. Because, you know, I have so much to do... *eyeroll*
Woke up with a nasty migraine at three am. Advil helped.
Took Austin to get his haircut. Tasha, Cosy and I had breakfast at the Corner Grill next door while he had his haircut. I had crispy hashbrowns with an egg fried over medium on top. It was good but not as good as the crispy corned beef hash with a fried egg on top that Austin made me last week. Tasha also had an egg fried over medium and hers had runny whites so... she didn't enjoy hers as much.
Went to Rite Aid to pick up meds. Bought two more books for Cosy (ninety cents each) and a new toy for Oscar (also ninety cents). Thought I bought Starburst Jelly Beans (my second favorite to Jellie Bellies) but bought regular starbursts instead. I can't eat the regular starbursts.
The Amish Bakery (formally known as The Country Bake Shoppe) reopened. They close between the beginning of January and the middle of March every year. The bakery opening is a sure sign of Spring. Although we really didn't need anything we stopped by so Austin could introduce Cosy to the lady who manages the shop. She always asks about Austin if he isn't with me. She remembers him from when we first moved here so she was tickled to meet his little girl. Bought a pound cake to celebrate Mawmaw and Pop's 50th anniversary and a frozen lasagna for us to eat while the parents are out celebrating their anniversary.
The nasty migraine kept returning every time the advil wore off.
Pop fixed pancakes and sausage for dinner. It was good but my reflux has returned with an ugly vengeance and I'm afraid it may be because I reintroduced coffee into my life. *sad face*
March 16 - Wednesday
It's my parents 50th anniversary! So proud of their lasting love and the example they live for all of us Gants.
Again with the headache.
Had a day that felt unproductive. Didn't manage to sew for long because my shoulder(s) are killing me. Anxious about the steroid injection in my shoulder on Friday, especially since my hip has felt worse and I've had more trouble walking since that injection.
Reflux continues. Swallowing tums by the handful. I mean, after I chew them.
It's been nice and warm outside. I've been keeping the door to my screened porch open all day and the cats are loving it! Little Kitty has been terrorizing all the local birds and lizards.
Picked Austin up from work and took advantage of the trip into town to stock my fridge again. I'm trying really hard to eat healthier which means more frequent shopping.
My parents went out for dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. I am hoping to do some sort of gathering/cook out/open house things for their anniversary while Bryan, Helen and their baby boy are here this summer.
Thursday, March 17
I'm 42% Irish so... I guess today is my day.
Fighting depression today because I'm just not able to do the things I want or need to do. Most of the time I just accept it but there are times that it makes me feel claustrophobic and unproductive.
I got some great Cosy time this morning since I'm having the shoulder injection thing tomorrow and won't be able to hold her for a few days. I seriously enjoy my time with her SO MUCH! We watched a couple of episodes of The Cat in the Hat. We have a ratty old stuffed one that was somebody's - don't know whose - but it ended up in my stuffed animal zoo. She understood (I think) that the stuffed version and the tv version were the same. She tries to sing along with the theme song. She's just a little sponge of knowledge. Pop always points at his eye, makes a letter C with his hands and points at her to say, "I see you" and now... she points at everyone when she first sees them. And sometimes she will point at Pop and very clearly say, "Pop".
Despite the occasional challenges of living in a four generation household, there are far more blessings than challenges. Think about it... Cosette has daily/weekly contact with her Nana, Mawmaw and Pop, Grandma and Grandpa and of course, two very devoted parents. So many kids have just one parent raising them with maybe a part-time, occasional someone else.
This week some of the things I've bought for her birthday party arrived. I got this huge window cling sort of thing that looks like a medieval castle. I bought a pink table cloth with white polka dots. I bought twinkle lights (even though it's a day time party). I bought a black foam board last week and this week I got the chalk marker set. We'll do a sort of first birthday stats on the foam board, along with photos of her monthly updates. It's coming together. There's a lot of work that will need to be done to turn my Whine Cellar into Party Central but I'm very excited to do it.
Friday, March 18th
Steroid injection in the shoulder. Not terrible but it's about seven hours later and the numbing meds are wearing off and I'm starting to feel some major discomfort.
Pop hung a shelf for me over my kitchen table. It's currently holding my lamp (for that end of the room) (I use lamps for lighting because the overhead lights are fluorescent and give me headaches) some less used canisters, my paper towel roll... cleared up a lot of space on my table/counter/work space. There's another shelf to be hung over my refrigerator. I need to organize my pantry shelf better. These things... projects I want to do and can't complete in one sitting... frustrates me.
Ok... typing hurts. That's the rest of the week for you! Have a great weekend, love and hugs, y'all!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
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