Have you ever REALLY physically gotten on your knees before God? I decided to try it yesterday. I just had such a heavy heart about an issue that has been bothering me... I bent in complete submission to Him. I'm not gonna lie... it hurt... it's not like I have one of those handy dandy Catholic kneeling benches... it was just me on the carpet completely yielded and focused on Him. For a few minutes.
And the result? It was like a veil was lifted that allowed me to see some things that were really important for me to know. I had to resist the temptation to be smug, knowing that God had once again, shown favor to me in a long range, kingdom building kind of way. I'm sorry if that's generic and not terribly descriptive but the focus isn't so much on what He showed me but how important it is to really yield to God. You may be able to yield from your recliner... or when you're driving... and I do have beautiful encounters with God in those situations but this, for me, was what I needed to do.
Austin's ingrown toenail that was removed is still causing him pain. Uncle Bubba had to check him out of school yesterday. So thankful that Bubba was able and willing because it was near about impossible for me to leave work.. .since I was leaving to go to the pain doctor anyways.
My visit to the pain doctor was good. Because I had that brief time with very little back pain after almost a full year of constant, unrelenting pain... it gives the doctor an idea of what the magic potion is for me in pain management. It involved rest.. a lot of it... not being in the position that I'm in 8-9 hours a day, specifically. It involved the tens unit (which helps a lot with muscle spasms). And this new medicine that I started in December that is the slow release version of neurontin. A lot of people can't take it... it works for me... but it gives me a little bit of disconnect so I can't take it during the work day. The slow release version keeps a little of that medicine in my system during the work day without the side effects... or, I should say, minimal side effects. I do have a little bit of daytime fatigue but I have that anyways.
The most important thing they found was that my pain is because of a problem with the gaba-receptors in the brain verses serotonin receptors. The serotonin meds that they kept giving me never worked. I've got to do more research on this... but I found this really interesting.
The only real downer was that my blood pressure is still high. 146/96. I doubled my blood pressure medicine ...the doctor had prescribed a higher dose but as long as the blood pressure was under control, I could take half... so since my blood pressure when I take it at home has been high lately, I've been taking the whole thing. And the whole thing isn't doing the job. So I've got to get back in touch with my regular doctor and see if they want to try something different. My blood pressure follow up isn't until mid February.
AND NOW... it's Thankful Thursday...
1. I'm thankful for what I'm learning thru this current trial in my life... and how the trials that have come before have matured me in Christ and become my testimony. I know that if anything happens to me on this earth, my daddy has my back because he has always shown that he is there for me. My Heavenly Daddy has shown me the same consideration. He takes very good care of us.
2. I'm thankful for a renewed hunger for studying the Word. I'm thankful for what I'm learning in that study. I'm thankful that God's word is living... there are times that verses impact my life in one way but when I go back ten years later, I see an enhanced meaning. Not different, necessarily, but the context in my life has changed.
3. I'm thankful for my Valentine's day tree. It makes me grin every time I see it.
4. I'm thankful for the library. I have really enjoyed reading this week. I'm a book worm by nature but I had gotten so involved in the facebook games that they had consumed every waking/not working minute. I'm glad for the time to read. You know... even if you're reading fiction... if you're in the right kind of book, you can learn life lessons or find quotes to encourage and strengthen you.
5. I'm thankful that although my earthly body is not as strong as it once was... my spirit is way stronger than it's ever been.
6. I'm thankful that Austin got to see his daddy and brother Cody yesterday while they were on a job here in White County. It meant a lot to him that they came to see him... so much that my embarrassment on how messy the house is and the fact that the litter box needed to be changed pales in comparison to how pleased I am that he felt connected to his daddy. That's good stuff. I want my kids to have a good relationship with their father. (see point number one)
7. I'm thankful that the week that loomed long and daunting on Monday morning is winding down. Not to wish my life away... but I'm grateful for everything that I have been able to do this week.
8. I'm thankful that the pain doctor gave me three months worth of samples for the magic pill that is working so well for me. I knew it was expensive and I was going to struggle to pay for it. They promised to keep me in samples as long as they had them. HUGE blessing! Especially after having to pay 100% of the cost of this visit since I haven't met my deductible yet.
9. I'm thankful that my friend Natalie's book is being published. I'll give you more info and a link when it comes out, probably late summer. I know that it's going to really touch people and I'm so excited to read it and will probably give away a few copies.
Hope you all have a great day and that you'll take a few minutes to reflect on the blessings in your life...
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
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