Monday looks like any other day from my vantage point but honestly, I still scorn the start of the work week. There's not even anyone here at Cedar Hollow who has a real Monday. Austin's days off are usually Tuesday and Sunday or Thursday and Sunday so his Monday is more like a ... Friday or Wednesday or... who knows? The point is that I have no logical reason to hate Monday... I guess it's just so deeply ingrained in my constitution that I can't help myself.
But it's the season of Lent... and Monday doesn't cause me any misery beyond what any other day has to bring... so I'm going to dig deep and find a few Reasons To Love Monday!
1. I have to go back to yesterday for this reason but it still holds true... Austin and Tasha had sushi for dinner and Austin brought me the leftovers. OH MY YUMMY! Fresh sushi! I'm still basking in the afterglow of that meal.
2. Also harkening back to yesterday but beneficial for me today... Cody sent his old Keurig machine up with his neighbors (who used to be our neighbors) who came to see us yesterday so this morning I enjoyed a steaming hot caramel macchiato while doing my Italian lesson. Perfecto! (not sure if that's an Italian word or not).
3. It's Monday and my sister-in-law is out of town on business so I'm going to get a visit from my two favorite redheads this afternoon! Lately we've been watching the Disney series Jessie but I have Guys and Dolls and Bye Bye Birdie ready for them to watch whenever they're in the mood.
4. Austin bought me a new Yankee Candle yesterday so I'm going to enjoy the soothing scent of balsam and spruce in my nest today. My kids are so good to me!
5. Cosette got her first pair of shoes yesterday. I can't wait to see her in them. She's her daddy's girl... I have a feeling shoes are going to be a battle with her. She has gotten better about keeping socks on, though.
6. Tomorrow our little Ollie-pop will be 7 months old! Already!
7. One week of antibiotics for my upper respiratory infection and I'm still just as snotty and miserable. The upside? I guess we know now that it's viral? Or that amoxicillan, even the stronger dose, doesn't work for me. Live and learn. PS I'm out of tissues.
8. Jeb Bush got out of the race for the Presidency. I love Bush 41 and Bush 43 and I really admire Barbara Bush. Jeb was getting battered and bruised out there and I know that had to hurt his mama's heart. And if by some chance he had gotten elected the comparisons would have been endless and the hate for the Bush family is so strong. I just am glad not to have to feel second hand hurt for them for the next 4-8 years.
9. It's foggy outside. I'm not sure if that's a real Reason to Love but I love the changing atmosphere here at the lake. Anything that makes the days not look the same.
So there you go... Monday has lost its' power over me! I'm going to sew and play yahtzee and love on the reds and Cosy and enjoy my day! Hope you do too! Love and hugs!
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