Remember Monday, when I was having a hard time finding reasons to love it? And remember that last line about how if you look for good, you'll find it... but if you look for bad, you'll find that too? (paraphrasing myself). All day long that kept ringing true.
I went to put on my favorite shoes to leave for work... and the dog had peed on them.... so I used a backup pair and they were actually MORE comfortable, which I desperately needed.
There were some changes at work that increased the workload for everyone and it was an intense, fast paced day but it was a happy busy... like little elves in Santa's workshop... and I just felt so grateful to be there and to have the opportunity to do what I love.
Last week, I very randomly wrote down three bible verses and gave them to an acquaintance. Yesterday I found out why they needed those verses. I don't know for sure that they made a difference for the other person, but they made a difference for me, just knowing that God works through this broken vessel, knowing that the Holy Spirit whispers into my heart, gave me great encouragement.
I had a lot, a lot of pain yesterday. Like, crying on my way home from work pain. Fortunately I have my "rescue" pain meds that I can take when the pain is unbearable. I took them and THEY WORKED! For almost two years I've hurt and hurt and hurt and on top of dealing with pain, I dealt with hopelessness, feeling like there was no way to ever get a break from the pain, other than when I'm sleeping, except a lot of time the pain wakes me up (and Lily wakes me up and Trouble wakes me up and so forth). There are some side effects with the meds and I wouldn't want to take them every day.... dizziness and nausea and so forth... but for the times that the pain is at the worst, I'll gladly trade pain for a little ickiness.
I had starbucks on the way to work yesterday.
I had lots of great cuddle time with the creatures yesterday afternoon.
I talked to Austin on the phone... he called to ask if I remembered that I need to pick him up tomorrow at the airport... *laugh*... like I would forget?
I had corn chex for dinner.
There was a new episode of "How I Met Your Mother" on tv last night.
I slept fairly well last night... until about 3:30 when the drugs wore off and the bladder got full and the old incontinent dog needed out... and when she came in the other old dog went out... and then Little Kitty decided it was time for treats and kept tapping me on the shoulder and rubbing his little head against my face... and then the second dog needed in... but then I fell back to sleep and slept really well for another three hours.
On the way home from work yesterday I heard this verse, "A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" Proverbs 17:22. It was great validation for me that attitude changes everything. There were a lot of reasons for it to be a bad day but I WANTED it to be a good day and so it was.
Today started out with me tripping over the end of my recliner to keep the cup of water on my bedside table from falling on my computer ... twisting and turning like that is never good. I tripped again letting Lily out... and ten seconds later, I tripped again trying to let her in. I'm slightly anxious about picking Austin up from the airport as it's been a while since I've been out there and it can be very confusing but hopefully Cody will still be able to go with me... and at the end of the day... my little bird will be back in our nest.
It's going to be a good day.
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
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