Oscar the dachshund thinks it's his job to guard us. He barks at every animal, person or vehicle that goes by our house. There are only about a half dozen houses past us so there's not much traffic that goes by. People do walk by occasionally and we have a few dogs that roam the neighborhood. This morning we saw a deer, the first one we've seen. Oscar can't see out the window unless he climbs up on the back of the couch... and I think he looks hilarious when he does (although I could do without the barking).
Mama and Daddy got some plants in the ground yesterday. A few tomato plants, some basil and sage. We lost a lot of planting time this Spring due to not being able to be up here and the cool weather that continued later than usual. In Georgia it seems like we never really have a Spring- it goes from cold to hot in the matter of a few days. We've had mild weather over the weekend and were able to keep the a/c off and the windows open but it's gotten too hot today to go without air. Little Kitty was trying out the plants... had to make sure they were safe to plant, right?
Both girls have grown SOOO much but Sarabeth is now about 5'4 which makes her taller than Aunt Heather and at ten years old (yes, only ten!) she's already wearing a size 11 shoe. She's going to be a tall girl.
Both girls won the same award at Honor's Day: Most Athletic Girl for their grade. It makes me snicker a bit because the last thing in the world you could call me, even when I was in school, is athletic. For that matter, their dad was more of a spectator than a player when it came to sports. Their Uncle Bryan was (and still is) very much into soccer and Uncle David danced but as a rule, Gant's aren't jocks.
We had so much fun looking at the babies. Sarabeth was really troubled by the fact that we parked in a handicapped parking place. She insists that neither me or Mawmaw are handicapped because neither one of us has a wheelchair. We tried to explain our limitations but honestly, she's a worrier and she didn't want to think of us that way. Babyland was a lot of walking and we're definitely worn out but it was fun to spend some time with them.
Afterwards we brought Mawmaw back home so she could rescue Oscar (who can't stand to be away from Mawmaw for a minute) and I picked up Austin to take him to pick up some lunch and to take the girls back to the church.
We finally got a mailbox so we stopped to check for mail on our way out.
We drove through Wendy's to get lunch for Austin and frosty's for me and the girls... and then back home to rest and recover.
Tomorrow I've got to get some paperwork taken care of and run to town to close out my P O Box. Other than that... it's a peaceful week in the mountains...
Love and hugs, y'all!
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