My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

Mitt Romney lost and I don't feel so good myself.
Four years ago when Obama was anointed as President, I was somewhat removed from the process.
That year on the day after Election Day I was traveling from Helen, Georgia to Albany, Georgia for the funeral of my (then) stepson's 35 year old mommy who had died tragically, 9 days after giving birth.
I was worried for our country but I was too grief stricken to focus on that.
Today, to be honest, I am discouraged and frustrated.
But today I will get up, put on my big girl drawers and deal with it.
I will go to work. Come home from work, by the Grace of God, and life will go on until it doesn't.

 I will focus on my family and my career and appreciate all the gifts that God has given me.
There will be weekends in the mountain house, peaceful, restful, good times.
I will try to do a better job visiting my sweet little grandma who had a birthday yesterday - 89 years old.
We went to Ruby Tuesdays and had crab cakes and salad bar. Her crab cake (and mama's) were too spicy but she loved the carrot cake cupcake with cream cheese frosting that they brought her to celebrate her birthday. She loved that I fixed her a big salad at the salad bar since she can no longer walk steady enough to get her own. We talked politics and family and had a really nice time with her. She has settled in beautifully in her new home and she seems to really enjoy being there. She was so proud to introduce us to every staff member and resident that crossed our path while we were there. I'm so relieved that she's there and happy and although I know that she will always miss her home in North Carolina, I know she's in a good place.
Me too. I'm in a good place. Austin is in a good place. Geography has more to do with your own attitude than it does with ambiance. Yes, the mountain house is restful and I thank God that we have that - as a family - as a place to go to.
And although the divisive politics of our nation have put us in a place of uncertainty - and although I stand on opposing sides from many people that I love and respect - ultimately, my happiness is determined by my attitude and my perspective. My success is determined by my courage and willingness to continue on and to choose to rise above my circumstances.
Look at that beautiful smile. My Steel Magnolia. Her life has not always been easy. Her father died when she was a teenager. Her first husband turned out to not be the man she thought he was. She raised three kids alone. Her second husband only lived a few years past their marriage. Her last sweetie became very sick and frail and she kindly and lovingly tended to him until he passed away. She wanted to stay in her home in North Carolina but there was no way for us to keep her there safely, it was just too far away. But here she is... in a new place... with her same sweet smile and perfectly manicured fingernails and her stylish clothes... being light and salt in the place where she lives.
After lunch I told her, "Let's do it again next year". And I hope we do.
And then we went to visit my brother and his kids and it was bittersweet but still, beautiful. Rather than being sad that I don't get to be the kind of aunt I want to be for those babies... I'm just grateful that they exist, that they are happy and beautiful and smart and that if my only job is to love them from a distance and to cover them with prayer in the way that I always have, then I am grateful to do that, to have a spiritual influence over their lives even when I can't have a tangible influence.
God is still good.
God is still God.
 And my little kitty will always find outrageous places to perch... on top of the dog biscuits... on top of the tv... under the bed... in a windowsill... on my pillow, on my face... he goes wherever he pleases (except outside, we never let him outside) exploring, investigating, supervising, making the best of his climbing ability and enjoying his world.
And my little Sammy granddoggy... who always has that inquisitive, optimistic little head tilt whenever I say, "where's your mommy? where's your Cody?" He reacts to either "Cody" or "daddy" for Cody because he hears Marquee call him Cody. He also responds better to Spanish commands than English since his mommy talks to him in Spanish. Sammy can destroy a dog toy in ten seconds flat. He lifts a leg wherever he wants. He eats cat poop out of the litter box. He sneaks the big dogs' food even though, as a little doggie, their food isn't really good for him. He loves wearing doggie clothes and he is always happy to come to Mawmaw's house during the day. Whenever we have to all be gone, he goes into his little crate and he never complains. He knows that someone will come and let him out eventually. He just always enjoys wherever he is and whatever he's doing.
And I guess that's the point.
Whatever hand life deals you, play it.
Rise to your circumstances.
Rise up in spite of your circumstances.
If you're reading this... you're probably not in ICU somewhere. You're probably not in jail. You're most likely not in North Korea or Iran or some similarly restrictive country. We're still Americans. We can and will  be our best, regardless of who is in office. Bloom where you are planted. Shine a light in the darkness.
Happy Day After, y'all.