The Pope is resigning and I don't feel so good myself.
It's no fun getting old but it beats the alternative.
Grandma's having some heart problems... causes us worry and makes us realize she's not immortal.
Mom still keeps trying to resign her crossing guard post but they can't/haven't/won't find a replacement.
She worries about the kids who cross, doesn't want them to be left to fend for themselves.
Single's Awareness Day is Thursday.
It's pouring rain.
My head is pounding and my body is aching and I'm going to work.
And that's why we need to find Reasons To Love Monday.
Here goes.
1. I have a job.
2. I have clothes to wear. Appropriate clothes.
3. I have food to eat before I leave.
4. I have a nice cup of hot coffee.
5. I have a car with 3/4 tank of gas.
6. I don't have to work in the rain (poor mom!)
7. I don't have a long commute (poor Pop!)
8. I have a short work day.
9. It will hurt but I can do this. I can. I can. I can.
10. There is no red carpet at work where I can be judged for my outfit and such.
11. I slept great last night - 10pm to 2am in the bed, 2am to 6am in the chair.
12. Instead of depending on an alarm, I can depend on a little doggie to climb in beside me and wake me up.
13. Even though I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day - I bought some little gifts for the fam and that felt nice.
14. I made tabbouleh yesterday and that will make a nice lunch after work.
15. Since it's raining there's no point in investing in a long glam routine - it's ponytail for me today.
16. No snow to shovel.
17. No ice on the roads.
And that's it for today... time to grab a shower and get myself to work. I've been gone a week... no telling how much has piled up for me. It will be a five hour + sprint today when I'm still feeling like I'm crawling but I'll get through it. I will. Prayers welcome.
Love and hugs, y'all.
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
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