My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Sunday, March 23, 2014


 I can haz pretzels?
 Little Kitty in the snack basket. We are both partial to hot buffalo flavored pretzel pieces, especially when paired with ranch pretzel pieces.

It's time for us to do some more snack shopping but I wasn't up to it today. Still having too much pain to function. Thanking the pharmaceutical industry for the ability to get out of bed but hating the fact that I need them. And wish they made me able to do more than just roll from the bed to the recliner and back.
 Spring ere sprung here in Cedar Hollow. We're expecting temps below freezing this week but today, at least, it's sunny and mild and oh, so colorful!

 I'm not a big motorcycle enthusiast but I did enjoy the color of this bike parked at Leaf Grocery.
My kids call these "fish trees" because although they are lovely, they are rather aromatic. I think they're bradford pear trees. This was on Duncan Bridge Rd, right past Hwy 115.
 Mt. Yonah, through my windshield on this fine Spring Sunday.
 I love forsythia!
 In da hood. I actually stopped the car in the middle of the road to take this picture. I haven't altered the color in this pic - the sky is THIS blue!
 More forsythia... there's an interesting old house on this lot. I'd love to explore it but don't want to trespass.
 And more.

We survived D-Now weekend. It was really very low impact... mom slept down in the Whine Cellar with the doggies so that Oscar didn't bark his head off at the visitors... and Pop made breakfast for an extra five people. I barely heard a peep.
 More pics in "da hood". Or "da hollah" more like it. This is two houses up from us.
Hoping to get a little boost of energy and a day or two of feeling better so that I can do a little more sight-seeing around town.

Happy Sunday! Love and hugs!