My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mid Week Randoms

Cool play mat that Austin scored from a friend.
Instead of waiting to blog until I feel I have something interesting and pertinent to articulately share, I'm going to just give you a few mid-week bullet points. It's quantity not quality, folks.

Had a lab appointment at 8:30 this morning. I so appreciate being able to get some of my health care through the local free clinic but hate sitting in a waiting room with a dozen people who sound like they have tuberculosis.

We're getting a new roof this week. Yay for the new roof, boo hiss for the roofers need to park next to the house. Our cars are parked in the top part of the yard which normally wouldn't bother ME a bit since I rarely hardly ever go anywhere but I had a lab appointment at 8:30 this morning.

I can't complain about climbing the hill to the car because my mom did offer to get the car and drive it down for me but I wanted to save her a trip into the cool morning air. Then I huffed and puffed up the drive and realized I left my handicapped parking sign in the Whine Cellar. I called mom and got her to get it for me so she got to experience the cool morning air after all. Normally I wouldn't worry about the Princess Parking but the clinic is always short on parking spaces.

Pop got to experience the cool morning air because he was golfing. Before that he went to rescue my nieces because their dad's truck wouldn't start. By the time Pop got there the truck was running so they each took a girl to get them to school on time. (They go to two different schools).

I'd feel bad for my brother (because nothing ruins a day like a car not starting) but he just got back from a cruise. The way I see it, he's still on Jamaica time. Or... where they went that wasn't Jamaica but I can't remember at the moment. He's got a whole week or so left before the stress returns, right?

Jamie-gurl won her school spelling bee so she's going to the county competition. She could give lessons to adults on social media who inappropriately use their, there and they're.

There was a tree blocking some drainage pipe at the dam in the lake. One of the neighbors mentioned it so Austin took off in mom's new paddle boat to clear it. He hurt his knee and foot. The good news is that the boat is fine.

Austin was sanding mom's coffee table and the automatic sander thing got a hold of his arm and made a nice burn/abrasion. By the way, words are not my friend today. Anyways. The point is that Austin is accident prone.

Speaking of... Austin and Tasha have a Walmart registry if you're just dying to buy something for Cosette. They're having a shower in March. If you're local and would like to come, let me know and I'll give you all the particulars. Or ask I'll ask Tasha about them because I'm the kind of grandma that sponges up every little detail at doctors appointments but I'm not the kind of grandma that is into showers.

I had a really REALLY bad pain flare up last night. My parents were at the girls' basketball game and Austin was helping Fat Pat fix his brakes. I was almost sure it was the day I was going to end up in the ER. It eased up after about an hour of total misery and self-pity.

Poor Oscar has had a rough week with the roofers. He's a good guard dog - meaning he barks every time the wind blows and thinks it's his job to alert the entire neighborhood if someone is within a mile of our yard. All those random strangers walking back and forth and all the hammering and noise had him a nervous wreck. And then Mawmaw and Pop were gone after dark and Aunt Heather was freakishly pacing the floor trying to get past the pain. I kept saying, "owwww owwww owwww... it's ok Oscar... I'll be right back". Insanity.

Little Trouble Kitty is also not loving the roofers. Where Oscar barks and gets in attack mode, Little Kitty runs and hides under the nearest bed. He has spent more time under beds this week than out from under beds. He is also not a fan of me being restless. It makes him restless. I was in so much pain last night that I couldn't bear the weight of little animals in my lap so I kept shifting him to the side and he was not having it.

In the doctors office this morning there was a lady who THOUGHT SHE HAD THE FLU who decided to sit right beside me and strike up a conversation. She said that this particular health issue she has (not the flu) had her in the ER four nights one week. I said, "don't you get billed for that?" She said, "not if you tell them you're indigent". I don't know about that but... the bottom line is that because what she had wasn't imminently life threatening they didn't resolve her problem either. I'd rather be home and miserable than in an ER being miserable no matter what it costs.

Honestly, I'd rather live in a world where people could truly get affordable health care. She priced Obamacare. It was going to cost her $800 a month with a high deductible. I don't know why people think that's a good thing. People who are not in a position to have employer sponsored health insurance can't afford $800 a month or a deductible of any size. The person on the phone who helped her with her "Affordable Health Care" told her she should go on Medicaid. Except Georgia didn't expand Medicaid and the local health department lost most of their funding that would normally help people who were in the gap. Like her and me.

I've spent all day avoiding any coverage of the State of the Union show. Can't stand him. Can't. Stand. Him. You may have won the past two elections but you also cost your party the last election.

At any rate... pain medicine + sleep medicine got me to DontcareLand  last night and I made it to battle another day. Up hill. In the cold. At the doctor. Next to people with the flu.

Today's appointment was just lab work. They bring you in for lab work and then you come back a week later for your appointment. The nurse was great and had some possible diagnosis (guesses) for the Evil Gut Pain. She also gave a painless blood draw but I take partial credit for that because I have awesome veins.

I guess that's about it. Hope your week is speeding by at a delightful pace. Love and hugs!


monique said...

Hopefully that new roof will solve some of your water issues.
The pets may need some anti-anxiety meds. j/k
Take care-