Baby Cosette popped off another chain link .... 23 weeks today! That's going fast, isn't it? Baby Peanut Espericueta Sauls notches up on Fridays. He/she is 11 weeks and 4 days today!
I'm still entertaining possibilities for my official Grandparent Name. I watch a vlog where the little girl's grandma is called Grandberry. I like that. Austin's answer was, "whatever Cosette decides to call you". She's one of mine so she'll probably just pass gas and that will end up being my name. GrandToot. I could see that.
This round of EGP (evil gut pain) is not easing up and I'm about over it. I woke up this morning and wanted to stomp my feet in full blown tantrum but that would hurt. It is better this evening than it was this morning but it still really sucks and has me just on the edge of civility. Pain makes me grumpy. I think I hide it well but I'm definitely not chatty when I'm in pain because I can't think straight. It probably doesn't help that Little Kitty has been my siamese twin today. I only managed to sew a tiny bit today because he gets on the back side of my material and tries to catch the needle when it comes through the fabric. I think he's just cuddly because it's cold. He's particularly fond of the pink robe.
I guess that's about it for today. It's all about quantity not quality, right? A few more pictures for your entertainment... and then Happy Tuesday! Love and hugs, y'all!
My cluttered "dining" area (the only people who eat at this table are the cats). We're going to set the fridge up on concrete blocks so that the next time we have a deluge I'm not up at 4am trying to save the bacon. (there is no bacon in there).
Comedy and Tragedy post New Year partying. Austin did it.
Good night, y'all!
Comedy and tragedy...that's a riot!
Your place looks so comfy. I know you are enjoying the fridge and microwave.
Your EGP sounds horrible. Even with all the aches and pains, to be hurting in the tummy is the pits. I hope they find the cause.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your SS to be resolved.
I don't DO facebook. I was wondering if you could just copy and paste your posts from there when you make them. Just a thought. Maybe save you some time and energy.
Take care,
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