Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Stebbins Family Comes to America
Posted by Heather at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Adventures of Trouble, also known as Little Kitty
Hey... what's in there? |
Who me? I'm not trying to get in there.... |
No... I'm just doing a little stretching... |
Can you spot two kitties in this photo? |
"Whatcha doin'?" Oscar investigates The Nest |
"And I will hug him... and squeeze him..." |
Standing guard at the doorway. |
Hiding behind the chair for protection from Lily |
"Who me? Just chillin' on the table... not trying to touch the goggie" |
"Just a little closer"... |
Yes, I think it's safe to say that Trouble aka Little Kitty is feeling right at home here and beginning to explore the world around him. He has a window perch in my room, a window perch that he's discovered in Pop's room. He is getting over his fear of Mawmaw (or, as he saw her, "the lady who brings the goggies with her"). He has started patrolling his territory. He has learned that if he looks pitiful, Pop will feed him in the morning. He learned that there are lots of nooks and crannies to explore in the Utility Room. He has started camping out with Mawmaw when she gets on the computer. He has intimidated Sammy, my granddog. He still has a healthy fear of Lily, the "big goggie" but thinks if he hides behind things (like the chair) he can "poke a stick at the tiger". He still bullies Stubby. He won't drink from the communal water bowl and still wants me to run water in the tub while I go to the bathroom so he can splash in it. He supervises me when I cook or wash dishes or go to the bathroom. If I don't take him in the bathroom with me, he stands outside the door and waits for me. He can open the cabinet doors and is trying to learn how to turn a door knob. He still won't let Cody get near him. He spends about 50% of his time sleeping under the bed and about 40% of the time sleeping on the bed with me.
Posted by Heather at 9:43 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thankful Thursday
It's about to get crazy hot in Georgia, like in the hundreds. I'm so glad we went ahead and did the move last weekend instead of waiting to the last day of the month. I don't hold up well in the heat.
And I'm so glad to be (mostly) settled in here with The Parents. Still have to figure out what to do with my hanging clothes. There is a bar in the Utility Room which is accessible through my room but the bar is super high. I would have to climb on a stool to hang things and to take things down. My dad joked about "lowering the bar" for me. Been happening all my life... ha.
Obamacare. It's like getting your medical care from the DMV. I never feel as dirty and marginalized anywhere as much as I do at the DMV. Frankly... for me it's just conjecture because I have no money... I'm unemployed... I'm beginning to think I'm unemployable... so when they talk about things like "mandated healthcare" requiring that EVERYBODY buys health insurance is not tangible to me. I can't buy anything without money. The penalty for failure to buy health insurance is to have money taken out of your tax return... I have no income therefore am not paying taxes therefore would not have money coming back. I mean... I'm no politician or economist but this doesn't make sense.
I mean... is the new American Dream Socialism? Now that we've watched so many countries falter financially because of Socialism, are we going to follow their path? Again.. I'm no expert but it doesn't add up.
This morning I got up
and made coffee,
washed dishes,
ran an errand for Pop,
browsed a little while in the Thrift Store (but didn't find anything),
went to Walmart for juice and coffee creamer
and then came back home for a late breakfast/early lunch of a pimento cheese sandwich and sliced cucumber.
My mom is having a bad day pain wise so she is laying on the couch listening to an audio book. Trouble has been a bold little kitty today and scared the weiner dogs, Sammy and Oscar, out of our room. We keep Sammy (my grand-doggy) while Marquee is at school. Stubby is laying on a sheet that I was about to fold a few days ago - before I got to it, he colonized it and it's been his home base ever since. He does that... seems to stake out a little territory and stay there other than litter box or feeding time. He's my little furry piece of furniture. Trouble is my little shadow. He follows me everywhere I go.
I'm having pretty significant pain in my back and hands today but I'm not dealing with the fatigue that hits me at times so I've been relatively productive.
I haven't heard back about the job from yesterday that I really, really, really want.
I've concentrated so hard on getting to certain milestones that I'm not really sure what to do now that we've passed them. We had to get to Austin's graduation... we had to get to our moving date... and now... it's just the job search and settling in to the routine here. I'm looking forward to the Big Brother Season and the Olympics and Vacation Bible School at mom and dad's church (mom, me and our neighbor Dawn are doing snacks). I'm looking forward to seeing Austin, whenever that will be.
It's weird going to the store here in Riverdale and not seeing anyone I know. In White County, I couldn't go anywhere without running into at least one person I knew. However, I will say this, while I was in Walmart there were several workers who greeted me and were friendly, there were several other shoppers who returned my smile or "Good Morning" and the cashier said, "I hope we see you again soon!" So... I think people tend to mirror your attitude or behavior. There are exceptions, without a doubt, but everywhere I went today, even at the Post Office, people were nice.
Today's photo is my great-great-grandfather, Samuel David Jackson, taken around 1875. He is the father of Luther V. Jackson, whose photo I posted yesterday. He is the branch of the family tree that has me baffled. His father's name was Andrew Jackson - can you imagine how many Andrew Jacksons there were in his (my great-great-great-grandfather's) generation? I've got a hypothesis about it based on the people whose names show up in census records around Samuel's but I haven't found a way to confirm things. Anyways... hope you have a great Thursday!
Posted by Heather at 11:44 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
What's Up Wednesday? (formerly known as Whiny Wednesday)
Another day, another interview.
Things went well this morning. An offer has not been extended but I am closer than I have been yet in this process. It is a perfect situation for me as they are looking for someone who is very capable with service work with a little bit of sales on the side. That describes me perfectly. They have a very flexible office schedule and I am all for that. I am past the point of being able to fit in a *cookie cutter* type employment situation where there is no flexibility for part-time employees. An employee doesn't have to be full time to be a good employee, you know? There are lots of people who, for whatever reason, can't or don't want to work full time but they are still able (like me) to be a contributing member of society. That's all I want out of life, you know? Just to continue to make a contribution to the world.
I postponed the in person interview I had scheduled for this afternoon. It would be for a commission only situation, with some room for negotiation. I'm still considering it. I just don't know that it's my first choice. It's almost impossible to isolate the sales from the service in an insurance agency. Sometimes the service just happens. The phone rings...a person has a question... you know the answer... you know?
Along the way, throughout my interview process, I have been asked if I am comfortable with working with women (more than once, I've been asked this) I've been asked (more than once) if I am comfortable with selling to African Americans (um... do I sound too white?) and other things that make me want to validate myself. Like... should I get a few of my female friends that I've worked with over the years to call in and say, "other than being a sports fanatic... she gets along fine with other women" or some of my African American friends to testify that I'm amply diversified... or just have someone who knows me call in and say, "she's awesome, you must hire her".
Lets just sum it all up by saying that I'll sell anything, just don't ask me to sell myself any more. I'm weary.
This morning, however, was very pleasant.
Please, please, please hire me!
In other news... I am getting things in order here... I unpacked my teapots and teacups today and they make the room seem way more girly.
I've seen Cody every day for the past four days and I love that. I have missed him so much.
I have had at least a text message- ok, only a text message - every day from Austin and so I can verify that he is alive. He went swimming yesterday. Beyond that... I haven't asked and he hasn't said.
I finally passed level 41 on Bubble Safari after a week. My mother says I'm stubborn. Maybe a little.
My dad made pimento cheese last night and I had that for lunch today with a sliced cucumber - fresh from the garden. I'm not suffering, y'all.
My friend Tami was at the chinese restaurant in Cleveland yesterday and saw two red-haired girls and recognized them (from my pictures on Facebook) as my nieces. My girls are Facebook Famous.
They will be down here later this week and I'm planning some quality time with them.
Aunt Ginger has been doing Vacation Bible School this week so I haven't seen her yet.
I have another headache. Every day for a week. Tropical Storm Debby is far away from us but I swear, it's impacting my head.
Little Kitty aka Trouble is getting bolder. He has discovered the window sill in Pop's room and likes to perch there. He will *sometimes* stand his ground when the dogs are around. Sometimes he runs and hides under the bed.
Stubby is all, "whatever". He is happy here.
I sent Austin in to buy cat food last week and he bought the cheapo store brand food. My cats have been passing that over and eating the food that has been set out for my parents' cats, Eddie and Rosie. The dogs have been sneaking in here and eating the cheapo cat food.
Last night Pop made tacos for dinner.
Monday night I made broiled tilapia, broiled parmesan tomatoes and saffron rice.
I told you I'm not suffering.
This is my great-grandfather, Luther Vaden Jackson who died in 1966. My mama has his eyes.
Posted by Heather at 2:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Breaking Up is HARD to DO!
Poor DISH has figured out what others before them have... it's hard to leave me. (not)
I had a phone interview today and it went sorta ok. I had been candid about the termination of my previous employment and that helped. However... he's interested in hiring me for a commission only position. There are a lot of good things about this potential arrangement but there are a whole lot of drawbacks as well. At any rate... it was a pleasant call, I will meet with him in person tomorrow.
I also have an interview tomorrow morning with an office manager from another agency. I'm excited about it - partially because we're meeting at the Dwarf House (it's a Chickfila sit down restaurant, sort of like Chickfila Plus) I figure even if I don't get a job, at least I can have a hot brown.
The kitty boys are already mostly asleep and I will soon join them.
I just had to share this email from DISH... hope you had a great Tuesday!
Posted by Heather at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 25, 2012
Reasons to Love Monday - You Can't Quit DISH
Our first Monday back in the homestead and it's been a decent day, for a transition day.
I called to disconnect the internet service. No problem.
I called to disconnect the power. No problem.
I called to disconnect the DISH satellite. "That will be a $130 fee for early termination of your two year contract."
Wait... first she said, "I see that you've been with us for almost four years, Mrs. Darby" (I hate that name but it's still my legal name) "what can we do to help you today?"
"I'd like to have my satellite service disconnected" (my words are in bold)
"May we ask the reason for this request?" I worked in customer service... that's a "retention strategy".
"I've moved and the location where I've moved has a different provider."
"We would be happy to move your service to your new location"
"I've moved in with family members and they are not interested in changing providers."
"Ok. That will be a $130 charge for early termination of your two year contract."
"You just thanked me for four years..."
"Yes, but you had a change of address last year"
"because my house caught fire and we had to move"
"it is still considered a new contract at the new address"
"so if I moved the service here, I'd be obligated to another two year contract?"
"ok. I'd like to cancel my service"
"I could sign you up for our lowest price point to allow you to carry out the remainder of your contract"
"how much would that cost me?"
"$15 a month for the next 13 months"
"Wouldn't that be more than $130?" I love using logic against someone who isn't.
"Ok. I will not be interested in paying you MORE to still not have satellite service"
"We could offer to allow you to *pause* your service for $5 a month"
"I'm not interested in re-starting my service with you in the future"
"I could waive the $5 *pause fee* for the next six months for you but you will need to contact us at the end of that six month period"
"Again... that will involve me paying you for service that I do not wish to have now or in the future and it will obligate me to contact you again in six months"
"Yes, yes it would. How would you like to handle your fee of $130?"
"I would not like to pay it."
"We will bill you and if you don't make that payment within the next thirty days, we will charge your credit card for this amount plus a service fee"
I think it's easier to get out of the Mafia.
"So you're telling me that I need to advise my bank not to process any charges from your company?"
"I'm not able to advise you on that, I just wanted to make you aware that your contract entitled us to this fee"
"So, how do I return my receiver?"
"If you will give me your new address, I will send you a box and a label to use"
"Is it postage paid?"
"No, there is a $17 fee for returning the equipment"
"In addition to the $130?"
"What about the deposit I made when I started my service?"
"That is not applied to an early termination fee or an equipment return fee"
"What is it applied to?"
"What happens if someone dies before their contract is completed?"
She said... "we require a copy of a death certificate in order to waive the early termination fee".
So... the next thing I have to do is close my bank account or figure out how to forge a death certificate.
I'm kidding. I have no intention of closing my bank account. Or the other thing.
There was more but you get the point. It's easier to get divorced than to stop satellite service.
Other than that... I rode with my mom to take my daughter-in-law to class. Marquee is taking one class this summer - Spanish. She is an English Major. Am I the only one who finds this odd?
And then my mom and I went to pick up the new cable boxes - one for my tv and one to upgrade the tv in my dad's room.
And then we went to pick up Marquee from class. Spanish class. For her degree in English.
Some blog entries just write themselves.
And now I'm back in the nest, watching the grey channel on my tv until Cody gets home from work and can hook up the cable box for me. It came with instructions but I've wasted all my brain cells today on things like trying to break up with the satellite company.
Posted by Heather at 3:14 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Starting the New Chapter
Cody is my hero. Bless his heart. He may be only 21 but he really stepped up to the plate for me yesterday during our move. In the past I've leaned heavily on Ryan because the nature of his work has given him a lot of experience in moving and making things fit and ... Cody has obviously paid close attention. Not that my dad and Austin and Marquee and my mom and ... well, myself... didn't work our hindquarters off getting us moved out... and my sister-in-law, who came through again with another load to the dump for me... but Cody was definitely the foreman on our little job site.
There were definitely some highs and lows in the process. Austin refused to come to Atlanta *at all* and moved in with his married friend on Friday night. He came and helped on Saturday (but it meant a few more trips back and forth to pick him up, take a load of his stuff over there and take him there at the end of the day) and he worked hard but there was the dark cloud of knowing that at the end of the day I was going to have to say goodbye to him... and there was the dark cloud of knowing that our small moving crew was going to get smaller.
I've already expressed in great detail my feelings about Austin's decision but I'll sum it up again by saying this: either his plans will succeed, in which case I will be very proud of him, or they will fail, in which case, Lord willing, his family will help him get back on the right track. I will love him no less either way.
Ultimately, I was way too tired at the end of the move, with a two hour drive ahead of me with a very nervous cat and a blinding migraine to waste much emotion on the subject again. He asked if I was going to cry and I said, "not today" later, I'm sure, but not then and not since. I told him I wasn't going to give him a hug but that I would miss him and I left him what little cash I could spare him and set off on my way. That was the worst part of the day.
Another unexpected complication was that the smaller moving van that I reserved was not available at the place (near us) where I rented it so we ended up having to drive another ten miles or so to pick it up. The good news is that they credited us sixty extra miles for our trouble and knocked ten dollars off the base price. In the end this meant that we were able to make two trips to the storage place and the one way trip all the way to my parents house without incurring any additional mileage charges. It cost about $36 in gas. All in all, not bad. I just wish we had more help.
Then there was the issue of the "much larger than we needed" storage place which ended up being too small because Cody and Marquee decided not to take the living room furniture (as it was too big for their living room). This made for some logistical issues and meant that my dressing table that I've had since I was 7, that I was going to put in storage, ended up coming with us and actually fit better than I thought it would. I'm glad to have it. This is where I could tell that Cody had really paid close attention to Ryan's tutelage because (although it may look like Fred Flintstone's closet) we got everything in there.
I've mentioned the migraine... I've had one for at least a few hours a day for most days over the past week. It made things difficult... especially the drive through Atlanta... but we made it. And by "we" I mean "me and Trouble"... who was in a pure panic at being put in the cat carrier. He hyperventilated until I turned him so he could see me and any time he would get upset I would talk him through it.
And then there was the issue of having to stop to go to the bathroom while traveling alone with an animal in June in Georgia. I stopped at a Chickfila that I'm familiar with and knew that there was a handicapped parking place right by the entrance which was right beside the bathroom and... it was my fastest pitstop ever. I didn't even wash my hands afterwards... I just purelled back in the car.
I'll take some pictures of my space when it's a little neater... basically this room is a converted garage that has been the big room that all of us children (and two grandchildren and an ex-husband and for a time, an ex-girlfriend of one of my brothers) has lived in at one time or another. It's a large space... and accommodates a double bed, my tv and tv stand, my dressing table, my recliner, a large shelf with bins of my folded clothes (and I wear very few "hanging" items) and... a piano. So if anyone wants to stop by for a sing-a-long... and they know how to play the piano (because I don't)... come on! Maybe this would be a good time for me to learn to play...
Anyways... from a decorative standpoint... imagine having bits and pieces from about a dozen different people.. exposed brick on two walls, paneling on two others, partially carpeted, part linoleum... it ain't the purtiest space I've ever lived in but it's the cheapest! And the upside is that Pop is a really good cook! And the other upside is that the freezer is in the utility room, which is off of my room so I can sneak a klondike bar whenever I want! And I get all the fur-baby love I can stand... mom and dad have three dogs: Lily (who is large) Lady (who is medium sized) and Oscar, the weiner dog who is spoiled rotten. They also have two cats: Rosie and Eddie. Stubby lived here during the Darby era so he's quite at home here... Trouble has been incredibly skittish and has mostly stayed hidden under couches and beds and so forth. He's warming up to the zoo... he even sprawled out in the doorway as if to say, "this is MY SPACE... "but he'll be just fine.
We did not get the apartment to the standard that I hoped for before we left. We just ran out of time and energy. Austin's carpet was ruined and will have to be replaced so I know there was no way I was going to get our deposit back. If time, energy and money hadn't been an issue, I would have hired someone to clean... but we did what we could do with what we had.
This morning I got up, ate the blueberry pancakes that Pop had made (and they were SOOOO good!) went back to bed for a little bit and then went with Cody to return the UHaul. He invited me to go have Sunday dinner with his grandparents-in-law and I was just too achey to move. They do a big meal every Sunday so I will be able to go soon. Today they were having chicken mole... I'm sorry I missed it. But... Pop had fixed a roast in the crockpot and it was SOOOOO good! And since then, I've been pretty much just tucked into my nest, letting my body and my heart adjust to being away from my Auggie Doodle. I love him so much.
Tomorrow we're getting my key made... getting the cable box for my room... and I need to make sure all my address changes are handled...
Tuesday I have a phone interview...
Wednesday is half off day at the rift store...
And at some point this week I need to go down to my Aunt Ginger's to help her work on paperdolls. She makes the most amazing paperdolls... makes several outfits for each one... and gives them to the people who come to the food bank at her church.
We've got VBS coming up at mom and dad's church (If I'm not working by then)
We are still trying to make our trip to Tennessee to see my nieces new baby...
Big Brother starts in a week or so...
The Olympics are on this Summer...
So much to look forward to!
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement! I'm happy to be here... happy to have a new nest and a place to rest... So far, the "New Chapter" is good!
Posted by Heather at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2012
My To-Do List for Today
Drink coffee and catch up on the people who live inside my computer.
Blog entry.
Fold and sort and pack two loads of laundry on my bed.
Sort through two boxes left in Austin's room.
Sort and divide socks.
Pack stuff inside tv cabinet.
Pack remaining drawer of my dressing table.
Pack glam routine items.
Pack kitchen.
Pick up Austin from married friend's house where he stayed up all night gaming.
Pick up U-Haul.
Pack all my bed linens.
Pack up / throw out food in fridge and cabinet.
Send food with Austin to married friend's house.
Take bed, kitchen table, dressing table & remaining boxes to storage.
Pack my recliner, side table, tv, tv cabinet & my stuff (clothes and such) to go to Riverdale.
Pack my living room set to go to Cody and Marquee's house.
Clean apartment.
De-flea the cats.
Pack cats in carriers.
Drive to Riverdale.
Austin is refusing to go with us AT ALL even though he initially agreed to go to help and be brought back after a week. I'm at peace with it. He has to find his own way in the world. When he needs me, I will still be there for him.
There is a lot of work to do in feathering my new nest. That's for tomorrow and the next day and the next week.
I have an interview Tuesday at 3pm. Please pray that I will find work. I need to make at least $500 a month to handle my bills (insurance, medical expenses, storage, debts) and I would dearly love to be saving at least that much a month for the time period when I file for disability.
I can't wait to be settled. I will miss the beauty of this place. For the past five years I have either lived near the ocean or near the mountains and I am so grateful to have had those opportunities. I am also tired of tourists, to be honest. I'm really an indoor girl... so the view doesn't change much.
I've been stuck on pause for three months. I'm ready to push play.
I can't wait to be near Oscar doggie and Sammy doggie and Tommy the cat and the Gramsters and my family. And Lily the dog and Lady the dog and Rosie and whoever else fur-wise that I have forgotten.
I will miss my girls but I will see them often, maybe even as often as I have while living up here... my relationship with them must be intentional now, it won't be collateral. I'm ok with that. Already planning the first care package to send to them.
I have a huge box of scrapbooking supplies to use with Aunt Ginger making paperdolls. I can't wait to make paperdolls with her!
I can't wait to see my cousin Christie's new house.
My mom and I still need our road trip to see my niece Tiffany's boys.
My friend Tracey will be a Mimi soon and I can't wait to meet her grandbaby.
My friend Teresa will also be a grandma soon. I hope to see her and her baby.
I am happy to be near Chickfila again.
I am so glad to have a closer relationship with my mama and daddy.
Welcome to the next season of my life. I'm no longer a mommy blogger. I'm an empty nest, chronic pain sufferer, always trying to lose weight, current event, genealogy blogger.
There are still good times to be had.
Posted by Heather at 5:11 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Thankful Thursday - Making Progress
What's going on at our house? Well, there's a cat wearing tighty-white-ys (in case you missed it on Facebook yesterday) and there's a dragonfly on a rug that we had to throw out because it was in Austin's room. Oh, and moving.
We got a lot done today but not enough. Ok, well, I guess it was enough. It was most of the things I meant to do today minus packing the kitchen up. I got two cabinets packed. It was progress, anyways. I'm astonished that my back hasn't bothered me more this week (more than it has and more than it usually does) but I have made up for it in headaches. My head has hurt so bad for the past two days that I felt like my eyebrows were slipping off my face. That bad. But we (meaning me) (ok, and Austin and his married friend to some small degree) we soldiered on. As did Angie and Miss Kate who took a load to the dump for me today.
And Trouble... pictured at just the right angle yesterday that it looked like he was wearing bikini bottoms... I guess I mentioned that already. But isn't he adorable? Love that kitty. He is disturbed that things are out of place here and has voiced his objection many times - although he's not typically a vocal kitty. He did really curse out a pushpin on Austin's wall that he (the cat) thought was a bug. He stretched as far as he could to try to get it down. Bless his heart.
At any rate... the plan is that by Saturday evening we'll be finished here in the nest. Austin still says he's moving to married friend's although married friend confirmed my suspicions that his mother has not approved for Austin to live there. He also confirmed my suspicions that his mother is ... well, um... less than stable. Obviously. He's still going to family violence class because of the charges she filed against him last summer. I mean, married friends mother filed against married friend. I may be too tired to truly make sense. Later, obviously coached by Austin, he (married friend) said that his mom HAD actually approved it and it was all good and it wouldn't matter anyways because his grandfather paid the rent there, not her. However, considering the fact that married friend spent last summer in jail, I'm not sure that grandfather has much control over what goes on there. At the end of the day... if Austin goes, he goes. It won't take long until the Gravy Train derails and the Crazy Train takes over. I know how little he contributes to a household and what a huge money pit he can be and I'm fairly certain that nobody is going to sign up for that kind of deal that's not blood kin.
In other news... I mentioned earlier this week that neither of the agents I had interviewed with two weeks ago had punched the golden ticket for me. Yesterday, randomly, I got a call back from another potential employer and I was DYING with a headache and had been up for far too long and wasn't making sense. I decided to put all my chips on the table to see if I could eliminate some of the variables and perhaps figure out why Prospective Employers A & B had not panned out. The conversation went well and they said they'd call next week. Today I got an email from another prospect who I had been exceedingly candid with in our previous discussions and they were eager to have an interview. Ultimately I know that I'm a bit of a gamble because nobody knows how long my spine will hold out but... I'm also fully trained and licensed and there's no learning curve involved. We'll see what happens.
My brother left for three weeks in Africa today. It's a rough time for my sister-in-law because my brother IS an awesome father and husband and he is so supportive of her and his absence is really felt. I like to tell her that I trained him well. Having me for a sister would prepare a guy for just about anything. My brothers are all good significant others and it isn't ALL because of my parents, right?
Sarabeth has been at her first week of sleep away camp and Jamie has been at day camp at the same location. They go to the Woodlands Camp which is here in Cleveland so they're not THAT far away but it did present some anxiety for everyone. Our little girls are growing up. So the trip to the dump that normally would be something I would ask my brother to handle... my sweet sister-in-law took care of for us. I had a couple of little treasures that I thought the girls would enjoy - lip gloss, a bead kit, a coaster kit - and a few things that I thought Angie would enjoy - whole grain pasta - and so they have a little care package waiting for them. I will have to try to get back on track with sending care packages in the mail for them while I'm living far away from them.
Tomorrow I will DEFINITELY finish packing the kitchen. I have little bits and pieces in other rooms - the bathroom cabinet - Austin's bathroom - one drawer in my dressing table - my tv stand. Hopefully, though, we'll be organized enough that we'll have one truckload for the storage place, one truckload to my parents' house/Cody's house and cleaning and that's it. Slow and steady wins the race.
So that's my Thursday. Hope you all had a great day. Love and hugs, y'all!
Posted by Heather at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
John Graves
Posted by Heather at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Terrible Tuesday (It's Like Whiny Wednesday, It Just Happens Earlier in the Week)
I'm tempted to do an early "Whiny Wednesday" post but I did it early last week and all day long on Wednesday I thought it was Thursday and I can't afford to lose a day this week.
Buck up, buttercup! That's my theme for the week. This moving stuff is not for the faint of heart or weak of spine. I set a few goals for yesterday, handled them all plus a few more. I set a few goals for today and I managed all of them by 1pm plus a whole lot more since then. My fear is that the more I do in the early part of the week, the less I'll be able to do at crunch time but... who am I kidding? It's already crunch time. The panic is setting in.
And Austin's room... oh, sweet Jesus... and I don't mean that in vain, I truly mean that as a prayer... I bought these huge, really sturdy contractor grade trash bags and I filled two in his room and it's nowhere near finished. Why was I cleaning his room? Because it has to be cleaned and he isn't going to do it. I'm not happy about it. I cried the whole time I was in there because I feel so abandoned in this process and because I'm so discouraged that at 18 I'm still having the same issues I had with him when he was six.
And because, to be honest with you, it made me really not care where he goes to live. Let someone else deal with him. I don't want to feel that way about my child but that's how I feel. I may have actually said, "to hell with him" but I don't really mean that. I just can't do it any more. I can't clean up behind him.
So now my back is killing me and there is so. much. more to do. I picked Austin up from his married friend's house this afternoon (where he's been for the past two days and would have been another day if I hadn't had a meltdown over the phone with him) anyways, on the way home I told him what I needed him to do and, as always, I'm the bad guy for holding his feet to the fire. There's no remorse or apology, just anger.
I just keep thinking about what my brother told him when we were having a particularly ugly time. Bubba told Austin that once he became an adult that we basically had a roommate agreement and we both had to agree to the terms. Frankly... he's a bad tenant and I want him out. All that being said, it will rip my heart out to leave him, I know that he's not ready to act as an independent adult and I would move heaven and earth for him (trust me, that's what it feels like I did for him today). But it's not going to be on his terms any more. It's not even on my terms any more.
Both of the agents I interviewed with two weeks ago have "gone in a different direction". I've got a third that I've been talking to and tested for this week. I don't know if they're hitting the same road block... or if I'm too expensive... or too unreliable... or what the problem is. It's discouraging but I haven't given up. Yet. The money is running out and even if I'm not supporting my own household, we still have expenses like car insurance and medical bills and so forth. I have to have an income somehow.
But it hasn't been all hard work and grief. I worked some more on my genealogy research and I found some cool stories. Well, I think they're cool. I've got a couple saved to share with you when I don't have riveting things to share with you like... my hard work and frustration.
Tomorrow I'm getting everything out of my closet and *hopefully* packing up the kitchen.
Thursday we're making a trip to the dump.
Friday I'm planning to move as much as we can to the storage place.
Saturday we're renting the UHaul and Cody is coming up to help. That's when the rest of everything needs to go to the storage place or to mom and dad's house. I'm spending Saturday night at Jim and Angie's since my bed will be gone...and...
Sunday I'm cleaning the rest of the nest, not that I have any hopes of getting back our security deposit thanks to Austin's room, I just don't want to leave a mess... and by Sunday night I'll be at mom and dad's.
That's the plan, anyways. Always subject to change. And hopefully this is the last meltdown I'll have between now and then. Happy Tuesday, y'all.
Posted by Heather at 5:50 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 18, 2012
John King's marriage to Sallie Seawell and his Will
My 6x Great-Grandfather was
John King was born in 1749 in Leichestershire, England. He died in 1794/5 in Raleigh, NC.
His daughter was
Elizabeth King, born in 1774 in Virginia, died 1855 in Arkansas.
Her son was
Tshcarner Degraffenreid born in 1799 in Virginia, died 1880 in Miller, Missouri.
His daughter was
Susannah Degraffenreid born in 1827 in Kentucky, died before 1910 in Miller, Missouri.
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John Pennington and Louisa McCubbin with two of their children |
Louisa McCubbin, born 1855 in Miller, Missouri, died in 1929.
Her son was
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my great-grandfather, William Judson Pennington is the 2nd from the right |
his son was
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C. B. Pennington, my grandfather |
C.B. Pennington, born 1908 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, died 1978 in Riverdale, Georgia.
He was my precious grandfather, my mom's daddy, and he called me "Heiffer".
This is written about John King:
In December he married Sallie Seawell, from a prominent family of Butte County, NC. They bought a home near Louisburn, Franklin County. NC and then in 1790 moved to Wake County, NC 10 miles West of Raleigh. He took part in first Methodist conference of NC. When Franklin Academy was chartered in 1787 he was first named on list of trustees. He died in Wake County. 1794. He was survived by his wife and six children: Joel, John Wesley, Benjamin, Thomas, William Fletcher and Elizabeth Betsy.
His Will is as follows:
In the name of Almighty God Amen. I John King being weak and low in body but sound in mind and judgement do make this my last will and testiment. The will this 30 day of January 1795. (l) In the first place I give and bequeath to my daughter Betsy King, one Negro girl named Jenny, and a mare, named Mateliday, and a feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever. (2) This is my will and desire that all my Wiroick and Bhisick furniture I have to be sold and Bhisick Books with other books that may be spared and horses that can be best spared all to be sold (also my bounty of land on Swift Creek to be sold) my debis collected and all the above money owe by note or accounts by me apply to pay my just debts. (3) I lend my beloved wife Sally King, during her widowhood, all my stock, cattle, hogs, horses,sheep, plantation utensils, household and kitchen furniture to enable her to raise my children and the total use of the plantation and all tracks of land where I now live. (4) This my will and desire if my wife Sally King should marry again, to lend her during her natural life one Negro man named Abraham and one Negro Woman named Beck and one horse, a bed and furniture, two cows and calves and the use of the plantation and one hundred acres of land. All this above mentioned during her natural life. (5) This is also my will and desire that all property, except above mentioned , to be sold and the money evenly divided between my five sons, Joel, John Wesley, Benjamin, Thomas and William Fletcher King. If my wife remains a widow it is my will and desire that the above sale and division not be until my youngest son William Fletcher King is twenty-one years of age and that the sale and division then be made. (6) This is my will and desire that after the death of my wife Sally King that all property real and personal, land and Negro's be sold and evenly divided between my five sons or as much as then living. (7) Lastly I do hereby make and constitue my loving wife Sally King and my loving brother, Thomas and my son Joel King to be my executrix and executors to this my last will and testiment and witness of I have hereto set my hand seal to this 30 day of January 1795. This will was hard to read since it was hand written. We, the family, have transcribed it as accurate as possible, in his own words, as written. It was recorded in the clerks office in the county of Wake, N.C. Book D. page 177 this 24th day of June 1797. This recording information is as close as we could figure out, it was very hard to read.
Posted by Heather at 10:05 AM 2 comments
My Forefathers
At any rate... even though this just looks like a long list of names... I think it demonstrates how vast and diverse just ONE person can be!
My dad is Jim Gant, born in 1949 Georgia
Bruce Gant, 1924-2000 born in New Jersey, died in Illinois.(I never met him)
C.B. Pennington 1908-1978 born in Kentucky, died in Georgia
He died when I was ten. I loved him dearly and still remember how he smelled: like sweat, cigarettes and earth.
Theodore S. Gant 1884-1951 born and died in New Jersey
Charles Pelham Ward 1870-1939 born and died in Georgia
He was a doctor and had an office in the Flatiron Building in Atlanta. My grandmother was 16 when he died.
William Judson Pennington 1878-1962 born in Missouri, died in Arkansas
Luther Vaden Jackson 1881-1966 born in Mississippi, died (I think) in Tennessee
Elias M. Gant 1843-1919 born and died in New Jersey
Roland Eli Shafto 1865-1937 born and died in New Jersey
William Cleveland Ward 1834-1906 born and died in Georgia
George W. Bulloch 1849- ? - Georgia
John Pennington 1857-1945 born in Missouri, died in Oklahoma
Ezra S Clow 1840-1918 born in Ontario, Canada died in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Samuel D Jackson 1854-1935 born in Mississippi
Thomas Alexander Ray 1852-1922 born and died in Mississippi
Great-Great-Great Grandfathers
Esek Gant 1809-1888 born and died in New Jersey
John Harvey 1823-1905 born and died in New Jersey
John Ely Shafto 1828-1890 born and died in New Jersey
George P Donahay 1833-1917 born and died in New Jersey
Comfort I Ward 1798-1876 born in Massachusetts
Moseley Peyton Hawes 1816-1898 born and died in Georgia
Cordy Bullock 1809-1860 born and died in Georgia
David Neal Maddux 1813-1894 born and died in Georgia
Samuel Pennington 1828-1914 born in Kentucky, died in Missouri
Zachariah W McCubbin 1814-1864 born in Kentucky, died in Missouri
Abraham H. Clow 1820-1896 born in Ontario, Canada, died in Minnesota
William R. Worden 1824-1864 born in Albany, NY
(unsure about Samuel Jackson's father)
John Henry Nazary 1815-1877 born in Virginia, died in Mississippi
William Guy Ray 1810-1864 born in South Carolina, died in Mississippi
Daniel Alderman 1814-1893
Israel Gant 1738-1818 born and died in New Jersey
John Clayton 1774-1845 born and died in New Jersey
Jacob Harvey 1800-1860 born and died in New Jersey
John Van Note 1787-1870 born and died in New Jersey
John B Shafto 1803-1858 born and died in New Jersey
Throckmorton Allaire 1809-1866 born in New York City, died in New Jersey
James Donahay 1813-1880 born and died in New Jersey
James Luker 1789-1872 born and died in New Jersey
Uriah Ward 1769-1848 born and died in Massachusetts
John Cleveland 1762-1820 born and died in Connecticut
Peyton Hawes 1775-1833 born in Virginia, died in Georgia
Thomas Dallas, Sr. 1776-1840 born in Virginia, died in Georgia
Hardeman Bullock 1780-1850 born in North Carolina
Enoch Combs 1782-1838 born and died in Georgia
Thomas Maddux 1767-1848 born in Virginia, died in Georgia
John M. Glaze 1795-1856 born and died in Georgia
(Samuel Pennington's father is unknown but believe to be Enoch Smith)
James Walls 1799-1850
James P. McCubbin 1789-1850 born in North Carolina, died in Missouri
Tscharner Degraffenreid 1799-1880 born in Virginia, died in Missouri
Peter Clow 1788-1869 born in Quebec, Canada, died in Minnesota
Simon Mott 1776-1835 born in New York, died in Ontario, Canada
John I. Peet 1772-1860 born in New York City, died in Pennsylvania
William Bartlett Ray 1773-1824 born in North Carolina, died in Alabama
Christopher Lowery 1780-1853 born in North Carolina, died in Mississippi
John Alderman, Jr 1780-1824
Posted by Heather at 8:47 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Murder in the Family (and no, it wasn't me)
My 9x Great Grandmother, Rebecca Briggs Cornell was the victim of murder... a trial in October 1673 determined her death to be at the hands of her son, Thomas.
First, let's get the family connection:
Rebecca and Thomas Cornell were the parents of
Elizabeth Cornell, born January 15, 1637 in Saffron Walden Essex England. Her daughter was
Elizabeth Almey Morris, born September 29, 1663 in Tiverton, Rhode Island. Her daughter was
Elizabeth Thompson, born in 1680 in Passage Point, New Jersey. Her daughter was
Rebecca Clayton, born July 22, 1725 in Freehold, New Jersey. Her son
Cornelius Clayton, born 1746 in Monmouth, New Jersey. His son
John Clayton, born April 19, 1774 in Monmouth, New Jersey. His daughter
Deborah Ann Clayton, born May 31, 1816 in Monmouth, New Jersey. Her son
Elias M. Gant, born August 1, 1843 in Osbourneville, New Jersey. His son
Theodore S. Gant was born December 16, 1884 in Osbournville, New Jersey. His son
Bruce B. Gant was born in 1924 and his son, my dad, was born September 21, 1949, in Atlanta, GA.
The transcription below was taken from
It's long and the language is difficult but it's interesting. There is also a book that has been published about this story "Killed Strangely: The Death of Rebecca Cornell" by Elaine Forman Crane. I might just buy this book~!
Transcribed verbatim by Jane Fletcher Fiske, 1998
Trial of Thomas Cornell for the murder of his mother, Rebeca Cornell
[Bold Numbers in brackets refer the page numbers in the original book.]
Mr Nicholas Easton Governor Mr William Coddington Dept Goverr Mr Walter Clarke — Asistant Mr Daniell Gould — Asistant Mr John Easton — Asistant Mr William Harris Asistant Mr Thomas Harris Asistant Mr Thomas ffeild Asistant Mr Joshua Coggeshall Asistant Mr John Tripp Asistant Mr Walter Todd — Asistant Mr Job Almy — Asistant John Sanford Recorder James Rogers Genl Serant Mr Peter Easton Genrl Treasurer Mr John Easton Genrl Aturney | Gran Jurriors Engaged Lt Joseph Torrey foreman Mr Robert Stanton Mr William Case Mr Thomas Clifton Mr Thomas Burge Mr Gidion Freeborne Mr John Clarke Lt ffrancis Brayton Mr Phillip Eades Mr William Hiscox Mr John Odlin Mr Henry Lilly |
Upon Indictment by the Generall Aturny Mr John Easton in the behalfe of our Soverreigne Lord the King against Thomas Cornell now prissoner ffor that on the Eveninge of the Eight day of ffebruary last in the 25th yeare of his Majties Reigne Anno 1672 the said Thomas did murther his mother Rebecca Cornell or was aydeinge or abettinge thereto. The said Thomas Cornell beinge cald for and brought forth into Court, and his charge Read, and demanded of whether Guilty or Not Guilty — pleads Not Guilty, and Referrs himselfe for Tryall to God and the Cuntry. After all Lawful Liberty granted by the Court as to Exceptions The Jurriors were sollemnly Engaged on the case and sent forth.
Jurriors on the case [listed in margin]
Mr Henry Palmer foreman Daniell Greenell
James Man William Allin
John Read John Spencer
Richard Dunn John Rogers
Serjt Clement Weaver John Bliss
John Strainge John Crandell junr
The Jurry Returne their Verdict publickly to him declared. Guilty. Thereupon theCourt doe pass this followinge centance to the Prissoner.
[11] Whereas you Thomas Cornell have been in this Court Indicted and charged for murthering your mother Mrs Rebecca Cornell Widow. and you beinge by your peers the Jurry found Guilty. Know and to that end prepare your selfe, that you are by this Court Centanced to be Carried from hence to the Com[m]on Goale, and from thence on fryday next which will be the twenty thre day of this instant month May about one of the clock to be carried from the said Goale to the place the Gallowes — and there to be Hanged by the neck untill you are dead dead.
The Centance beinge pronounced and to him openly declared The said Thomas Cornell is Remitted to the Generall Serjants Custody safely to be kept till the day of Exicution.
A warrant ordered and granted to seize the Estate of Thomas Cornell and make Returne thereof to this Court.
Ordered that a strict Watch be kept in and about the prisson untill the day of the Execution of Thomas Cornell, and that the said Thomas Cornell shall be manacled and surely fastned to the great chaine — And ordered that James Clarke and James Browne cunstables in Newport are Authorized and desired to Asist the Generall Serjant in settinge and orderinge the watch for secureinge the said prissoner, which watch are to be Eight in the Night time and four in the day time.
Those following are Testimonys Concerning Thomas Cornell Murdering of [12] his Mother Rebeca Cornell: which was ordered to be Recorded.
Thomas Cornell the son of Rebeca Cornell, being inquired of us the Coroners Inquest, doe declare yt in the eveninge before twas darke, came into the roome and satt downe & discoursed with his Mother Rebeca for ye space of about one houre and a halfe; and then went forth into the next Roome, where he stayd about Threequarters of an houre, then his Wife sent his son Edward into the roome to his Grandmothr to know whether shee would have some milke boyled for her supper; the Child coming in to the roome saw some fire in the roome upon the floore, and the Child came back unto us, and fetcht the candle to see what fire it was, Henry Straite went Presently into the roome, my selfe and the rest followed in A Huddle, Henry Straite coming in saw some fire, and stooped, and with his Hands raked fire upon the floore, supposing it to be and Indian that was Drunke, and Burnt, soe he layd hold of the Arme, my selfe Immediately following, by the light perceived it was my Mother, and Cryed out, Oh Lord it is my Mother.
Before me William Baulston Assist. & Coroner.
Before me William Baulston Assist. & Corroner.
under our hands this Present 9th Day of February 1672/3.
William Dyer fforeman Edward Lay John Sanford Thomas Brook Georg Lawton Hugh Parsons | John Albro Peter Talman John Anthony senr ffrancis Brayton Thomas Wood William Wilbore |
of ffebruary 1672/3 As Atest John Sanford Secretary.
of ffebruary 1672/3. As Atest John Sanford Secretary.
The above Premised Henry Greenland & Simon Cooper did both upon their Oaths affirme to the above Premised, Evidence or written, to be truth before John Cranston Depty Govr & Practioner in Phisick & Chyrurgery
We whose names are hereunto subscribed being by the Depty Govr & major part of the Councell of this his Majesties Colony of Rhod-Island and Providence Plantations, appointed and Empanneled A Coroners Inquest on the Body of Mrs Rebeca Cornell (Widdow to ye deceased Mr Thomas Cornell of Portsmouth) who came to an untimely, and uncertaine Death, in the night ffollowing the Eight day of this Instant month ffebruary, who this Instant Day, for A Second Inquire, was taken out of Her Grave, upon severall Suspitious reasons Rendered to the Govr, Depty Govr, and sayd Councell. And the Corps of the sayd Rebeca, being Dilligently searched by Chyriurgions in our view, and in their search, as under their hands appeares, they findeing A Suspitious wound in the Body of the sayd Rebeca Cornell in the uppermost part of her Stomake. And wee alsoe finding that the Body was much Burnt and Scorched by fire wee doe declare, and returne our Verdict to be, That wee Conceive and Judg, to the best of our understandings, that by the aforesayd Suspitious wound, and fire, shee the sayd Mrs Rebeca Cornell came bye her Death. In witness whereof wee have sett or hands ye 20th day of ffebry 1672/3.
John Sanford foremn Georg Lawton John Albro Thomas Wood Edward Lay Thomas Brooke Hugh Persons Francis Brayton senr | William Wilbore James Barker Peter Easton Joseph Torrey Weston Clarke Samuell Hubbard Stephen Mumford Edward Greenman | Phillip Edes Caleb Carr Daniell Gould Henry Bull Lawrance Turner Thomas Nicolls Thomas Dungin Thomas Burg |
[14] Thomas Cornell senr of Portsmouth being Examined concerneing the untimely and uncertaine death of his Mother Rebeca Cornell, wch happened on the 8th of ffebruary 1672/3 in the Evening of the same Day: sayth, he coming in to the House from his Occations: a little after sunsett went to visett his Mother, his son Thomas being then with Her, and satt and discoursed with Her in her roome where shee keept, about one houre and halfe, and then Left her and went to Supper, haveing salt-mackrill for Supper, which his Mother cared not for because shee used to say it made her Dry, and haveing supt, his Wife sent his son Edward to his Mother, to know whether shee would have milke boiled for her supper, or what else shee desired, which might be about Three quarters of one houre, from the time he left her, he being the Last that was with Her; the sayd Edward called, Grandmother, Grandmother, and noebody Answering, and perceaving fire in the roome; came out, and sayd lett me have the Candle to see what fire that is in the other roome, whereupon wee all rann in, in hast, and Henry Straite ran in ffirst, and Rakeing the fire with his Hands, tooke hold of his Mothers Arme, thinkeing it had been A Drunken Indian, and spake Indian to her; at last sayd here is A Drunken Indian Burnt to Death; But the sayd Thomas Cornell, coming in last, perceaved by Her shoose which he saw by the light of the Candle, that it was his Mother, and sayd, Oh Lord, it is my Mother, and tooke up her head in his Armes to see if any life were in Her; findeing her burnt, lyeing along upon the floore with her head towards the fire, her Cloths burnt of on her below and some above, and the Valins of the Bed burnt, and the upper part of the Curtaines where he Judged Shee stood when Shee was on fire; before Shee fell, her Apron & one of her Petty-coats being Cotton and Wooll, and Judged that her Clothes tooke fire from A Cole that might fall from Her Pipe as shee satt Smoaking in Her Chaire, and haveing seene her in that Condition, as above related, sent out and called in some of the Neighbours liveing neare; which is all that he knows of the Death of his Mother abovementioned; not Judging any one were Instrumentall in any Measure to procure her Death.
Taken before us the 21th of ffebruary 1672/3 | Nich Easton Govr Jon Cranston Depty Govr ffrancis Brinley Assistt John Easton Assistant Joshua Coggeshall Assistant |
Sarah Cornell the Wife of Thomas Cornell of Portsmouth, being Examined Concerning the Death of her Mother in Law Rebeca Cornell, sayth, yt ye evening her sayd Mothr was found dead in ye House, about one houre or more, or such a quantity of time; before shee was soe found, her Husband Thomas Cornell was with her to see how shee did, hereing that shee was not well, & tooke A Quill of yarne in his hand to winde, after he came out, he winded halfe a Quill of yarne, & then went to Supper, & one of ye Boies was sent to her sayd Mothr, to know what Shee would have for Supper, upon opening of the dore, ye Great Dogg being in her roome, Leaped out over ye Boy, & ye Boy came out in hast, & desired A Candle to see wt fire yt was in ye roome, whereupon most in the House ran in & found her sayd Mother Rebeca Cornell lyeing dead in the floore, being Burnt, but how it came shee knows not, nor can Imagine, but Lookes at it as A wonderfull thing, & the more in regard, part of her Clothes being Cotton and wooll, ye wooll was burnt & ye Cotton Remained whole, which John Gould, John Spencer, & Job Hawkins afterwards saw, comeing to ye House for yt Purpose: ffurther sayth, wn Georg Lawton & John Albro, being sent for, went into the roome, they smelt ye scent of the Burning of the Clothes, & none before, & when Henry Straite went in first he thought it had beene an Indian yt lay there Dead.
Taken before us. Nich~ Easton Govr
At a meeting of ye Dept Govr Mr ffrancis Brinley, Mr John Easton & Mr Joshua Coggeshall Assistants, Held at Mr Joshua Coggeshalls House in Portsmo ye 22th of Feby 1672/3.Henry Straite being brought before ye Dept Govr & the sd Assistts & Examined wt he could say and relate concerning the late Deceased Rebeca Cornells death. Answered yt ye night that ye sd Mrs Rebeca Cornell lost her life, he was some part of ye night, at Mr Georg Lawtons & came not to Mr Thomas Cornells (where he Diated & Lodged) untill supper time, & wn he came in, some part of ye supper was upon ye Table, & they were gooing to Supper, & sitting downe to Supper. Mrs Rebeca Cornell, who usialy used to be at Supper with us, not being there, this Examinate saith he inquired where ye sd MrsCornell was, & why shee was not at supper wth them, Mr Thos Cornell Answered, we haveing nothing but mackrill to supper, my Mothr will not eate any, for shee saith it makes her dry in the night. The Examinate further saith, yt as soone as they had supped, Tho[m] Cornells wife sd to one of ye boys, by name Edward, goe to yor Grandmother, & ask her whether shee will have any milke for supper; the Ladd going, Emediately returned, and askt for A Candle to see what fire yt was, yt was in his Grandmothrs roome, whereupon they all ran, & this Examinate came [15] first to the dore, & into ye roome, & espieing fire on ye floore, he clapt his Hands upon it, and raked away ye fire wth his hands, and then thought it had beene an Indian, & tooke hold on ye Arme, and shakt her, speakeing Indian; whereupon MrTho[m] Cornell clapt his hands & cryed out, Oh Lord, it is my Mother. And this Examinate also saith, yt there was noe fire in the Curtaines, nor about ye Bedsted when he came in, yett ye Curtins & Valliants at ye foote of the Bedsted was burnt. And alsoe saith yt ye Body lay wth the head towards ye Southmost Dore, & ye feete towards ye other Dore, in wch roome we were & ye Back lay towards ye Bedsteadd ye face towards ye Westmost Window, & lay on ye left side; Also the said Examinate saith yt at other times when they have had Mackrill for Supper, ye sd Mrs Rebeca Cornell used to be called, & did use to come & supp with ye rest in Mr Thomas Cornells roome.ffrancis Brinley Assistant
Taken before | John Cranston Dept Govr ffrancis Brinley Assistt | John Easton Assistt Joshua Coggeshall Assistt |
Mary Cornell wife to John Cornell of Plymouth Colony in New-England, Aged 28 yeares or thereabouts, Apeared before mee ye 3d Day March 1672-73 & upon Her sollemn Engagmt, declareth as followeth. That about 3 or 4 yeares past, shee this Depont, being at her Mothr in Laws House Mrs Rebeca Cornell of Portsmth on Rhod-Island, Widdow, & now dead, or Deceast. This Depont saith that her Mother in Law Mrs Rebeca Cornell, haveing beene in Her Orchard, returneing into ye House, tould this Depont, yt shee had beene run[n]ing after Piggs, & said shee being weake, & had noe help, & shee being disregarded, shee thought to have stabd A Pen-knife in her Heart, yt shee had in her hand, & then shee should be ridd of Her Trouble. But it came in her minde, Resist ye Devill who will [illegible] shee sd shee was well satisfied, & further saith not. Taken upon Oath ye [illegible] March 1672/73 before [illegible].
[16] George Soule Aged 34 yeares or thereabouts being Engaged, saith yt he being at Mr Tho~ Cornells House on Rhod-Island ye same day Mathew Allins House was Burned in the Winter, last, and this Deponant speaking wth Mrs Rebeca Cornell, shee said shee would goe live wth her son Samuell ye next spring. This Depont urging her yt shee was better where shee was; shee said yt A differance was arisen between her & her son Thomas, about rent. This depont sayd shee spoke unadvisedly to say shee would remove. Shee Replyed: wt doth this tend too. Shee said he would have the Hundred Pound bond out of her hand. And this Deponant saith, shee said shee would goe live wth her son in the spring, if shee was not otherwise disposed of, or made away. and further this depont saith not.
Taken this first day of March 1672/3.
This Depont further saith he Judged Mrs Rebeca Cornell to Be in a Passion.
Mary ye wife of Mr John Almy of ye Towne of Portsmouth Aged Thirty three yeares or thereabouts, being According to Law Engaged & Sworne, Deposeth & Testifieth yt shee hath severall times observed an Undutyfull-ness in Tho~ Cornell towards his Mother Mrs Rebeca Cornell, & saith yt shee hath severall times spoke of it to others. And further saith, yt ye sayd Mrs Rebeca Cornell told this Depont ytshee was much neglected, & yt shee was forced in ye Winter season, in ye cold wether to goe to her Bed unmade, & unwarmed, & was therefore forced to procure some woollin Cloth to wrapp her selfe in, before shee went to her could bedd. And alsoe ye sd Mrs Rebeca Cornell, told this depont, yt if shee could not Eate as all ye foalkes of ye House could, & at their times of Eateing, shee must fast, for there was nothing brought in for Her to Eate; ffurther this Depont testifieth, yt Anthony Shaws wife of Portsmouth (since ye aforesayd Tho Cornell was Imprisened) told this Depont, yt Tho Cornells Wife coming to ye prison to her Husband, they Desired some time of Privacy, & soe went together into A Private roome, & whilst they were together, ye sd Tho~ Cornell and his Wife had those Expretions each to other, yt if you will keepe my Councell I will keepe yors, & soe they spake each together, & then ye Dore of ye roome in which they were was opened.Taken before ye Dept Govr & part of ye Genll Councell. ye 11th of Aprill. 1673.Nich Easton Govr
Richd Smith Assistant
Elizabeth ye wife of Hugh Persons of ye Towne of Portsmouth, Aged sixty yeares or thereabouts being According to ye Law Engaged, & sworne, Deposeth, & Testifieth yt shee being wth Goodwife Earle, desired to lay forth ye Body of the Deceased Mrs Rebeca Cornell, they on ye Sabath Day towards night, Accordingly layd forth the Body of the sd Deceased, & saith yt then there was noe Apeareance of Blood about ye Corps, but comeing thether on ye Munday there had beene in the roome where ye Corps lay, Thomas Cornell wth Wm. Hall to measure ye Corps for ye makeing A Coffin to interr Her in, & some saying ye corps did purge, this depont went to see whether ye corps did purge or not, & found yt ye corps did not purge, onely saw yt shee had bled fresh Blood at ye Nose; and ffurther saith not.Taken before ye Dept Govr & part of ye Genrll Councell, the 11th day of Aprill 1673.John Sanford, Secretary.
Hugh Persons of ye Towne of Portsmouth Aged 60 yeares, or thereabouts, being According to Law Engaged & sworne: Deposeth & Testifieth that yt night Mrs Rebeca Cornell lost Her Life, this Depontcomeing to ye House: went in to ye Roome where shee lay, & Mr Coggeshall goeing in before this Depont, Emediately Mr Coggeshall went to ye outward Doore opening to ye Southward, to see whether it were fast bolted. And this depont heard Mr Coggeshall say yt Doore was fast Bolted. And further this Depont saith, yt upon ye hearth there was burnt sinders lay in A traine, & almost covered ye floare in such A manner as if shee had beene drawne thether.Taken before ye Dept Govr and part of ye Genll Councell the 11th Day of April 1673.John Sanford Secretary
Joane Coggeshall ye wife of Joshua Coggeshall aged about 38 yeares being Engaged According to Law, affirmeth yt being at the Widdow Cornells House about A yeare & halfe since; as neere as shee can Remember; shee ye sd Cornell Complained to Her, yt Her son Tho Cornell, carryed himselfe very unkindely to Her, detaineing Her Rent from Her, and would pay Her none, & was soe High & soe Crose, yt shee durst hardly speake to hime; & yt shee intended to gett men to speake to hime aboute it, & did nominate Wm Baulston, John Easton & Walter Clarke; & further sayd, yt her son Tho~Cornell told her, Her name did stinke about ye Island, or Country, And shee ye sd Widdow Cornell, desired Her yt shee would not speake of wt shee told Her, for shee should live A sadd life, wth Her sd son, if he should heare of it.Taken this 14th of Aprill 1673, before us.John Sanford Secretary
John Cranston Dept Govr Richd Smith, Assist | Francis Brinley Assist.~ John Easton Assist.~ |
Waite Gould being Engaged According to Law, affirmeth to ye truth of ye Premises.
Taken this 14th of Aprill 1673, before us.
John Cranston Dept Govr Richd Smith, Assist | ffrancis Brinley Assistt. John Easton Assistt. |
Taken before ye Dept Govr & part of ye Genll Councell ye 14th of Aprill 1673.
Sarah ye wife of Nicholas Wilde Aged 61 yeares or thereabouts, being According to Law Engaged & deposed, testifieth to ye Truth of all yt is above Testified by Her Husband. And further testifieth, yt MrsRebeca Cornell told this depont yt Her Son Thomas, one time being Angry wth her, lookt very firce upon Her, & nasht, or sett his Teeth at her, & sayd shee had beene A Cruell Mother to hime. She told hime shee had not beene cruell, but A [torn] & sayd his Carrige & Expressions therein was A great Trouble, or Terror to Her. This depont askt Mrs Cornell how shee was able to beare such Afflictions. Shee answered yt shee should not be Able to beare it, but yt [17] God did support her, & in Her griefe shee had Scriptures come into Her mind yt did much quiet her.Taken before ye Dept Govr & part of the Genll Councell ye 14th of Aprill 1673.John Sanford Secretary.
The Deposition of Rebeca Woollsey is yt wn shee was last at Rhod-Island with Her Mother Mrs Rebeca Cornell falling in discourse one with Another, the Deponts Mother tould her Daughtour Woollsey that shee looked very poorly and the Depont told her Mother shee had cause soe to doe; her mother did Aske her why; the Depont told her Mother, yt shee had, had the smal pox, and yt shee was very much Afflicted and Troubled in mind, and yt shee was sometimes Perswaded to Drowne her selfe, and sometimes to stabb her selfe. Soe the Deponts Mother told her Daughter that shee must pray to God, and he would helpe Her. The Depont told Her Mother, shee did often call upon God, and he did here her, soe wn the Depont had done with this Discorce, the Deponants Mother told her Daughter that shee had beene divers yeares possest with an evill spirit, and that shee was divers times Perswaded to make away with Her selfe, and yett the Lord was pleased from time to time to preserve her. The Depont told her Mother, that shee would tell her Brother Thomas of it, and her Mother charged her not to tell hime, soe shee did not tell hime: And further sayes not.ffloshin 10 Aprill 1673 — This Testimony taken before meJohn Sanford Secretary
John Pearce of the Towne of Portsmouth Aged 41 yeares or there abouts being According to Law Engaged, Testifieth, that since the Decease of Mrs Rebeca Cornell, this Deponent being at the house of [torn - Wm ?] Wood, there was Thomas Cornell, and his Wife, and Thomas Cornell sayd, that his Mother in her life time had A desire to have A good fire, and further sayd, that he thought God had answered her ends, for now shee had it.Taken the 7th of May 1673 (in the morneing) before me.Robert Coe Justice of Peace
Mr. Phillip Eds of Newport being According to Law Engaged, Testifieth to the truth of what is above Testified by Liftt Joseph Torrey.
Taken in Court, ye 16th of May 1673. As Attests John Sanford Recordr
I Present and Indict Thomas Cornell of Portsmouth now Prisoner in his Majties Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Senr. That against the feare of God, the Honour of our Soveraigne Lord the Kinge, and the Law and peace of this Colony, on the Evening of the 8th Day of Febry in the 25th yeare of the Reigne of his Majtie Charles the Second Annoque Domin. 1672. The sayd Thomas Cornell did violently Kill his Mother, Rebeca Cornell, Widdow, or was ayding or Abetting thereto, in the Dwelling House of his sayd Mother in the foresayd towne of Portsmouth, which act of his is Murder, and is against the Honole Crowne and Dignety of his Majesty the Laws and peace of this Colony.
Dated at A Genll Court of Tryalls held ye 12th May 1673
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