My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Past 24 Hours In Bullet Points and Parenthesis

In the past 24 hours I have...

  • slept 2 hours - I've been tapering off ambien for the past few weeks and I decided to go without last night. EPIC FAIL!
  • read 2 complete books (one of them was by Tori Spelling so I'm not sure it counts)
  • started reading a 3rd book - the one by Julie Andrews
  • watched 2 episodes of How I Met Your Mother (and caught my parents watching it - it's contagious - and it also comes on before Grey's Anatomy)
  • watched 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy
  • been visited by 2 red headed girls who performed a magic trick complete with showmanship
  • got the sweetest hug from over the back of my chair from my niece Jamie when it was time for her to leave - she's always the brightest spot in any day
  • entertained Austin's friend who spent the night
  • pondered why Austin's friends want to chat with me when I'm Archie Bunkered in my chair
  • been tempted to create a Facebook movie but decided to buck the trend
  • stressed over whether Sochi Russia is ready for the world - will this Olympics be ruined? I mean, who knows if I'll be around to enjoy South Korea 2018!
  • looked at a couple hundred wedding photos from a sweet girl I know from theatre (also, her mom used to cut my hair and was THE BEST hair stylist I've ever had)
  • worked on my family tree - you wouldn't believe how much work I still have on it even after almost two years
  • had THE BEST bacon sandwich on a slice of homemade bread with garlic (as opposed to homemade garlic bread) that my dad made (he made the bread, I made the sandwich, in case that wasn't clear)
  • had black beans and rice over tortilla chips with cheese and sour cream, my favorite meal of the week
  • had to discipline my Little Kitty for being too aggressive with Stubby, the 3 Legged Wondercat (I took his straws away - that's his favorite toy - he got the message)
  • pondered why Austin's friends can't put the seat down on the toilet - obviously this is a female dominated Whine Cellar - there are STUFFED ANIMALS in the living room, for goodness sakes
  • watched the wind whip the water around on the lake - practically white capping here!
  • checked the weather report a half dozen times to see if we're getting more wintry weather this year - we are *probably not* although there may be a dusting "in the mountain counties" (which is us) "above 1500 feet elevation" (which we are not - the lake is approximately 1350 feet) before the weekend
  • walked Lily out the back door and told her to "go find Mawmaw" once (but my mom also took her at least once)
  • fetched a runaway kangaroo cat (Eddy) from the shed
  • ate four Hershey's kisses with almonds which is a huge improvement from last Winter when I was eating about four bags of them a week
  • changed from my pajamas into clean pajamas when I got dressed this morning
  • combed my hair but didn't really style it (and it's still cute!)
  • skipped makeup
  • and lotion

this is the new photo over the fireplace
admired the new frame Pop bought to hang the girls' picture over the fireplace (it was from several years ago but it still a huge family favorite)

And that's about it, y'all. Happy Wednesday!