I'm playing hooky from church today. I'm still coughing up a lung and ... well, to be honest... everyone I sit with is in Myrtle Beach right now and I just didn't feel like sitting alone/looking for someone to sit with. Sometimes being single isn't fun.
I had a burst of energy a minute ago and cleaned the bathroom and started a load of laundry. Next on the agenda: go to the store for dishwashing detergent and go to Jim and Angie's to feed Princess the Fabulous Feral Feline. I'll try to get a picture of Princess today. She's a true outside cat.
Austin and I agreed that our last Costco run back at the end of January was a great investment as we have just run out of dishwashing detergent and are on our last roll of paper towels from then. We are still using the same container of laundry detergent. That was pretty cool! I asked Michael to keep me on his Costco account when he renewed - it doesn't cost him anything extra but the extra cost for me to purchase an individual account isn't worth the expense to go twice a year. The nearest Costco is more than an hour from me. I got no response from him. I guess he's still under "court order" to not speak to me. I would say, based on the bills that come to my house in Michael's name (because apparently he never placed a forwarding order) that he didn't renew his Costco account for himself. Can't say for sure.
I also can't say for sure whether or not we're divorced yet. I have got to take a little time to research that... I asked Michael about two weeks ago and got a response of "what does it matter?" ... I suppose it doesn't matter to him. Didn't matter when we were still living together as man and wife, why should it matter when we haven't laid eyes on one another in more than 8 months. If we're still married... Wednesday is our second anniversary. He got me vanilla scented potpourri for our first anniversary - only after I threw a fit about him not buying me anything for our anniversary when I spent about $100 on him - so I imagine my gift this year will be really special. Not.
I had decided not to take anything to help me sleep last night and as a result, slept poorly. I've decided not to take anything on the nights that I don't have to get up the next morning. I fell asleep after midnight and was wide awake (and watching The Nanny) before 6am. Hopefully we'll have EBT tonight - right after Big Brother.
Back in the summer of 2000 when Survivor and Big Brother both premiered for the VERY first season, everyone else was watching Survivor. I was watching Big Brother and am still a huge fan. I couldn't relate to the "reality" of people surviving on a deserted island but - as one of five kids - I could definitely relate to living in a house full of people and the drama that can present.
Was it really just three years ago that Michael and I were settling in to our first home together with seven boys? Now it's just me and the cat... and one of us sleeps 23 hours a day. Some days it's him, some days it's me!
Cody and Marquee surprised me with a visit yesterday. Cody wanted to make sure i was still among the living... I am... but I'm not good company right now. I feel way better than I did a week ago but I'm certainly not up for really enjoying the mountains right now... and I'm broke. It seems like every time I have the opportunity to see my two older boys it's when I'm down to my last twenty bucks. I'm not always THAT broke... but I did have to spend a lot of money on my surgery/meds over the past week plus getting Austin ready for Myrtle Beach (since my dough boy has outgrown all of his clothes) PLUS having to send money with Austin for the trip.
Anyways... I'm sure they were bored out of their minds. I'm sorta boring lately (if you haven't guessed from reading my blog).
I love Fox News but I don't understand why all their news babes have to be blonde and wear tight dresses. The poor girl on the couch during Fox and Friends this morning was having a hard time not pulling a Sharon Stone/Britney Spears flash.
I miss having the Atlanta Sunday newspaper to read. I'd have to drive about 45 minutes south to get it.
I am supposed to collect a sample of the stuff that I cough up for lab testing and I just can't do it. I've tried. It's just too gross to spit. I'm not a good spitter.
I had thought my Gator bag that I had monogrammed with my name had been lost in my move from Jacksonville, but austin and i found it while finding a suitcase for him for Myrtle Beach. It was like a time capsule... it was bizarre what random things had found their way into that bag. I'm glad to have it back - it was my favorite "possibility bag" and I was about ready to switch purses anyways. I'm not one of those fashionable people who have their purse match their outfit. One purse crammed with "all the things I could possibly need" for as long as I can stand that purse and then it's purged to the closet.
I really need a facial. Since I can't afford a day spa - I think I'll have a little home spa activity today. Gotta get the pores under control again.
Oh. Back to Big Brother. I love Big Brother. I enjoy the fact that you can sort of see behind the scenes of a tv show. For me, the behind the scenes of anything is the best thing. My favorite thing about theatre is the magic of the creative process and the drama backstage. I love actors... and anyone who is bold enough to be on a show like Big Brother is an actor, whether that's their profession or not. I haven't bought the live feeds because it's a luxury that I can't afford (or that it's not wise for me to waste money on right now) but I do read all the different websites that have the live feed recaps.... which is better, probably, than sitting and staring at the computer for hours on end... not that I don't already do that. Anyways... it's my summertime guilty pleasure every year and I'm so glad it's Big Brother season again! I haven't picked my favorites yet... I'm still checking them out but Casey, the "old guy" (who is my age) is a Gator fan so that's a big plus for me.
I guess I better go feed Princess before church lets out and traffic around the town square gets backed up. Hope you all have a great Sunday! Love and hugs!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Hi Heather...I enjoy reading your blog as always. Know what you mean about tight times w/money. About finding things from your prior life. we're doing amazingly well aren't we.
Cody and Marquee had a good time visiting you. They said Stubby did not like Sammy very much, tommy has learned to tolerate sammy. Ryan said he wanted joint custody of Tommy, he misses him
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