My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

little bit

Here's the new baby! Jamie was sick tonight so he's still unnamed. Apparently he's a Jewish kitty... we'll name him on the 8th day. I just call him "Bit-bit" or "Little bit"...


Tawnya said...

Awwe, he looks like my cat Dinky a bit... I had a kitten that looked a lot like that we called her Cricket... Not really a male name, but... Maybe Sam...

Linda said...

He is TOO CUTE. But you need a name that he can grow into. When he hits 16-18 pounds, he's not going to be a "Little Bit" any more!

moshell's lilbit of space said...

lilbit is my nickname (and it has nothing to do with my weight-I guarantee that, unfortunately)