It's a Happy Newsday Tuesday in the Nest! My friend Tracey sent me another huge box of clothes to expand my wardrobe for my expanding body. I may be chubby but I'm dressing well. I'm leaving out the other fat girl tendencies such as going to the tanning bed (because we all know that tanned fat is less noticeable than pale white fat) and getting acrylic nails (because then you notice the nails and not the morbid obesity)... and buying lots of accessories and shoes (because they are available in normal sizes no matter how big your hips are). Tracey has incredible taste and I'm delighted at the wardrobe possibilities I have.
My friend Natalie has written a book about her experiences with her husband Michael who suffered from bipolar disorder and eventually committed suicide. The contract with the publisher has been signed and she is well on her way to being a published author. I am so excited for Natalie, but even more, she lives a precious life of faith and service and I *just know* that her book will be a huge blessing for everyone who reads it. Natalie's daughter Jorjann is one of my adopted nieces... you'll see her on the left side of my blog. Natalie is also Austin's teacher it the Catalyst Christian program.
I think the key to my survival has been the Godly people in my life who surround me with prayer. I've definitely had some dark moments this year and believed at times that I couldn't go on... but I could and I did and I will. My quality of life may be physically diminishing but in other ways, I'm growing stronger. I'm learning to not take any single day for granted, even the bad ones hold treasures if we're willing to see. Friday night I was terribly low and discouraged and Austin was so strong and helpful. He made me laugh... he helped me to get past the situation that was bringing me down.
I started working on my Christmas cards yesterday. I know it's early but it's so hard for me to complete a project. Sending cards is important to me because RECEIVING cards is the highlight of my Christmas. I want to see your long family letters... I want pictures of your kids... I want to deck our halls with the love that comes from the friends that live in my computer. I will try to make sure I reply to everyone who sends me a card... and this year I plan to save all my cards to open on Christmas morning so that I can fill that day with happy thoughts and warm wishes and remember on that Holy day that there is a great big world of people who love me, whether or not I deserve it! If you wish to send me a little Christmas cheer, my new address is 134D Primrose Dr, Sautee, GA 30571
(about five of my mother hens just passed out at me giving my address via the internet... I'm willing to take the risk, y'all!)
I'm going to turn my new pink Christmas tree that my mom is bringing up this weekend into a card tree. I can't wait!
If your address has changed since last year or if you think I don't have it... you can email me at, message me on facebook... whatever works for you.
I discovered a new way to gift my long distance children... You can actually send a "gift card" to their FACEBOOK account! I thought that was way fun and I hope BooBoo did too. Great for last minute, long distance gifts. This is helpful because my gift budget is limited. Suh-VEEER-ly limited... I can't afford a decent gift plus shipping... but with a few clicks... there it is! And BooBoo is a big reader so I can imagine he bought a book... not sure... but that's my best guess.
Anyways... I guess the news from the nest today is that JOY has returned to my humble little home. I'm still in pain. I'm still suffering from the affliction that needs surgical intervention and I'm still having to postpone that surgery. We are still financially hampered and will be ... probably the rest of our lives... but we've laughed a lot over the past few day... we've made some good meals... we've loved on the kitties... and we've gone off to school and work to fulfill our obligations... we're finding JOY in spite of circumstances not because of circumstances. That sets us apart... most people are happy only when things are good. We're happy no matter what. We are - I am - choosing to be happy for happiness sake.
Hope you have a great Tuesday and that you are filled with JOY no matter what happens!
love and hugs!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
I will have to PM you my to give and send cards!!!
did I ever tell you 2 of my girls have bipolar? It sure has made life an adventure!!!
I needed to read your entry today. I've feeling a little down the past couple of days and after this, you made me feel better about some things. I just need to remember the Joy. Thank you.
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