I posted over a hundred pictures of Oliver and Cosette today on Facebook. I have even more... yes, there are more!... to post here but I'm just in so much pain tonight. I had the best time ever with the babies and I picked them up way more than I should have. I just play with them and don't even think about the fact that it's going to hurt later. It's the only thing I do in life without giving thought to how it will feel later but tonight... miserable. I'll post a wrap up with more photos tomorrow. In the meantime... I did this thing that's been going around Facebook lately. I'm going to bet that some of you knew all of these answers already! Happy Weekend!
Bucket List - Feel free to post your answers on Facebook or in the comments if you like.
Been married - Yes, twice. Once for 14 years, once for 14 months.
Been divorced - Yes, twice.
Fallen in love - Too many times.
Gone on a blind date - Oh yeah. Too many. Both husbands were blind dates. There ya go.
Skipped school - There were times that I didn't go to school and I wasn't sick but my mom knew where I was. Does that count as skipping?
Watched someone give birth - no
Watched someone die - no
Ridden in an Ambulance - yes
Been to Canada - No
Been to Hawaii - No
Been to Las Vegas - Yes
Been to Washington, DC - No
Been to Nashville - More like... been through it instead of to it.
Visited Florida - Lived there. Not as much fun as I thought it would be.
Visited Mexico -No.
Seen the Grand Canyon in person - No
Flown in a helicopter - No
Served on a jury - No. Austin was supposed to serve the week of mediation so his lawyer called the judge and got it changed. Then her lawyer changed the date of mediation due to a conflict and yesterday Austin got his notice that his jury duty was changed to... you guessed it... the week mediation was changed to. What sucks about it is that every time his lawyer handles something for him it's at his hourly rate which eats into the amount of money we've paid toward the custody case. If it costs more money we pay more money. So... jury duty is just a big old nuisance. I've only been called once my whole life and here Austin gets called. Sorry, rant over.
Been in a movie- No
Danced in the rain - Yes
Been to Los Angeles - No
Been to New York City - yes
Played/Sung in a band - Does 6th grade band count? I played the flute badly.
Sang karaoke - yes. I've got you babe, Strawberry Wine, Don't You Want Me Baby... I've got a whole repertoire.
Laughed so much you cried - Yes
Laughed so hard you peed - Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes
Had children- Yes
Had/have a pet(s) - Yes
Been sledding on big hill - No. Not intentionally.
Been downhill skiing -no
Been water skiing - Yes. Got a raging case of swimmers ear. Never again.
Ridden on a motorcycle -yes.
Traveled to all 50 states - No
Jumped out of a plane - No
Been to a drive-in movie - yes
Ridden a camel - No
Ridden a horse - Yes
Been on TV - No, not yet.
Been in the newspaper - Yes
Been on the radio - Yes
Stayed in the hospital - Yes
Donated blood - no
Gotten a piercing - yes
Gotten a tattoo -Yes
Driven a stick shift vehicle - No
Been scuba diving - No
Been snorkeling - No
Ridden in the back of a police car - no
Gotten a speeding ticket - No. NOT ONE! I've been given a lot of warnings.
Broken a bone - Yes
Gotten stitches - Yes
Traveled Alone - yes
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Bucket List - Feel free to post your answers on Facebook or in the comments if you like.
Been married - Yes, twice. Once for 11 years, 5 years and counting with the 2nd one.
Been divorced - Once
Fallen in love - a couple of times
Gone on a blind date - yes
Skipped school - high school no, college yes
Watched someone give birth - no
Watched someone die - no
Ridden in an Ambulance - yes
Been to Canada - No
Been to Hawaii - No
Been to Las Vegas - no
Been to Washington, DC - yes
Been to Nashville - yes
Visited Florida - yes
Visited Mexico - yes
Seen the Grand Canyon in person - No
Flown in a helicopter - No
Served on a jury - No.
Been in a movie- No
Danced in the rain - no
Been to Los Angeles - No
Been to New York City - no
Played/Sung in a band - yes
Sang karaoke - yes
Laughed so much you cried - Yes
Laughed so hard you peed - Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue - no
Had children- Yes
Had/have a pet(s) - Yes
Been sledding on big hill - No
Been downhill skiing -yes, but never graduated from the bunny slope
Been water skiing - no
Ridden on a motorcycle -yes.
Traveled to all 50 states - No
Jumped out of a plane - No
Been to a drive-in movie - yes
Ridden a camel - No
Ridden a horse - Yes
Been on TV - yes
Been in the newspaper - Yes
Been on the radio - Yes
Stayed in the hospital - Yes
Donated blood - yes
Gotten a piercing - yes
Gotten a tattoo -Yes
Driven a stick shift vehicle - yes
Been scuba diving - No
Been snorkeling - No
Ridden in the back of a police car - no
Gotten a speeding ticket - one. and several warnings a long time ago
Broken a bone - Yes
Gotten stitches - Yes
Traveled Alone - yes
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