I woke up this morning. I don't know what time.
I went potty.
Brushed my hair. It may not look like it but I start everyday with a freshly messy bun.
Took my meds.
Made a hot chai tea.
Started working on my Italian lessons / surfed the internet to catch up on life.
Austin stomped down in a rage because his entire schedule was clear on his work internet - meaning they had taken him off the schedule for the entire pay period. Was this an error? Was this a misunderstanding?
He made several phone calls and never connected with someone who could give him an answer.
Austin mentioned he was out of cigarettes. Son under stress without cigarettes? Buying cigarettes jumps to the top of the to-do list.
I pulled on some crocs (making my SIL cringe) with my pj pants that I had slept in. (Since we were out and about with Cosy-roo yesterday I was a bit sweaty so instead of sleeping in what I had lounged in all day, I changed to a different lounging outfit after we took her home).
We drove to Leaf Grocery (a gas station/restaurant/small grocery store that is the closest place to us to purchase essentials).
We discussed options and potential career changes.
Worst case scenario discussion.
Typical Mom Pep Rally.
We got home.
I resumed Italian lessons/net surfing.
More noisy feet came clomping down the stairs.
Austin made a few more calls.
He was on the schedule. Not in the department where he usually works so... still an issue there but at least he's still employed.
He got dressed.
I put back on the crocs.
I took him to work.
Since he was having a bit of a stressful day I offered to buy him a Starbucks.
We went in the store.
Ordered a PSL for me and ... whatever it is he drinks for him.
Bought a slice of apple pound cake.
Chatted with co-worker of Austin's who described the inadequacy of the person doing Austin's job.
I don't wish for anyone to fail but ... the worse she does, the better it shows Austin was doing.
Replacement is still unloading truck that Austin would have unloaded in a few hours the day before. She had worked on it a full day and was still going. *shakes head*
Left Austin.
Came home.
Finished Italian lesson.
Started watching coverage on train wreck in NJ since I AM... genealogically speaking... about 3/4 New Jersian/New Jersy-ite?
Reheated leftover Papa Johns Pan Pizza from last night. Very excellent pizza, if you ask me.
Made a big glass of peach ice tea even though I hadn't finished my pumpkin spice latte.
Seasons overlap.
Brother called needing a ride to pick up his car that had work done.
Briefly consider his standing in the community and decide I should change out of pajamas.
Drive to Bubba's house and pick him up.
Drive him to the repair shop which is LITERALLY across the street from our neighborhood.
Drive home.
Get deeply involved in marathon of Disney Emoji game which adds emojis to my phone.
Type blog post.
Decide to leave it for a little while to get further in the day.
It is currently 1:41pm.
I got a call from the dentists' office asking if I was reschedule some more dental work. *gulp*. Yes.
Scheduled dental appointment and entered it in my phone.
More news watching.
More Disney Emoji Blitz playing.
I spray painted my empty containers of Talenti Gelato with black chalk paint. My idea is for them to either be little cannisters OR to hold small gifts. I'll post a picture when they're finished.
I watched (am watching) my usual daily vlogs on You Tube.
Then I worked on my Italian lessons. I write the words and meanings down in a notebook to refer back to. That's the part I worked on today.
More Disney Emoji Blitz.
Another coat of spray paint.
Checked Facebook and Gmail.
Responded in great detail to the inquiries about my family tree, specifically my grandmother's paternal line from someone who found me on Ancestry.com. Had to put my thinking cap on for that.
Heated up some leftover green peas for a snack because... I like green peas.
Had a bag of dried pears also for a snack.
Guzzled some water.
Worked on my pumpkin spice latte that I'm still not finished with from this morning. Remind me of this when I complain in tomorrow's blog that I didn't sleep well.
Checked the family iCloud folders to see the latest photos of Oliver and my sweet nephew.
I don't think I mentioned it but earlier I uploaded the photos of Cosette from yesterday to her folder.
And now... I'm ready to hit publish on this blog.
It's weird because from the outside looking in it probably looks like I barely move from my nest but today isn't really that out of the ordinary for me... and there are several things that happened that I didn't mention like... feeding the cats and... tidying up... and ... you know, just life.
Pictures in today's blog are snagged from Oliver's iCloud account. He's just so adorable.
Just Facetimed with him for a few minutes... got interrupted by a phone call from Austin.
My life!
Happy Friday-eve, y'all! Hope you had a great day!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Your grandkids are adorable!! Best of luck to Austin...
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