I've satisfied my addiction this weekend... for tomatoes.
Back in the day when I was trying to escape the horror of being married to a mean, abusive man... I would sleep as much as pharmaceutically possible. Every time I scored a new month's worth of ambien, I knew I would have a good solid 8 hours away from him every night. Maybe more.
Then when I moved here... Glenda's gravy biscuits became my drug of choice. Nothing beat pulling away from that drive thru window with my little paper sack... containing a stark white styrofoam container full of hot, greasy, creamy goodness. Sometimes I bought two.
Today I realized... while traipsing thru the countryside on a hot, sunny day in search of the perfect home grown tomato... that I've got a new drug... and that having a sack full of fresh, vine ripened tomatoes is about as close to heaven as anything I can imagine.
I made a beautiful (tee hee... always about the beautiful food, isn't it?) caprese chickpea salad... with juicy orange tomatoes... fragrant basil... chickpeas and thick, golden olive oil. I can't wait to have my car picnics this week with a nice tupperware bowl full of that ambrosia!
I've also made quinoa salad... and still have some chili lime salad leftover from last week. Good eating ahead for me this week!
I've got one more salad I'm going to try... in a few days... it's a black and white bean salad with purple onion, red wine vinegar, cucumber... good stuff, for sure.
I made my grocery run this morning but I'm really growing to dislike modern supermarkets. Too much processed junk. I bought a few basics, some fish, hot dogs and hamburgers for Austin... the things I can't find at the farm stands. I'm going to really struggle when summer ends and I have to buy my food like the rest of the world... at the grocery store.
The big news around here is that my precious, Itty Bitty Kitty has come home! Last night around 9pm I heard a meow outside... I went out on the carport and called to him. It took a few minutes to convince him that he was in the right place... but when he came to me and I picked him up like a baby... he turned the motor on and purred nonstop for a long time. I'm sure he went out to sow his wild oats and then came home like a little furry prodigal... but he has suffered from major separation anxiety since he came home. He wouldn't leave my side until today. If I went to the bathroom, he tried to climb up on my lap. He wanted to have his little face right beside mine while I was sleeping... and kept licking my face to wake me up. I'm dragging today... so thankful for a day off!
WELL... time for me to get a workout in since i was so lazy yesterday. Got to get back on track.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Have a good week!
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