My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Day In The Life *yawn*

Remember yesterday how I opined about how wonderfully interesting my life is, despite being a hermit?
Ok. Maybe that was a slight exaggeration.
Here are the highlights from the past 24 hours:

Phone call from Social Security to get a verbal validation of information submitted on my claim.
Watched a lot of *yawn* tv trying to stay awake long enough to see the new episode of Little People.
Couldn't get to sleep.
Read on the nook/played sudoku on the nook until the battery went dead.
Decided I didn't like the new arrangement of the Whine Cellar so I moved a few things on my own.
Regretted moving things on my own.
Slept about 7 hours, finally.
Had special K for breakfast.
Made my fabulous three bean salad and had it for lunch.
Ate sunflower seeds.
Organized my "dressing room" closet.
Watched a lot more tv.

And now we're gearing up for an afternoon marathon of Toddlers and Tiaras. Yes, we're living on the edge.

Here are a few photos of the new basement arrangement:

Originally the loveseat was against the wall towards the sliding glass door but it made the room feel disconnected. I got the boys (Austin and Logan) to move the loveseat flush with the wall as you come down the steps - at a ninety degree angle from the couch. It was ok ... but since the chair was sort of diagonal, I thought it might look good to have the loveseat diagonal too. I'm not one hundred percent sure I like it. The plan is to put a book shelf on the wall behind the loveseat. That tv is not mine. Mine is down at the Riverdale house and I kinda sorta wish it was here, along with my pepto bismol pink recliner. The little stone area ends up being a place to deposit things (such as cat litter and cat food). I really want to do something interesting with that feature but I don't know what. And those rugs. Not like I want them but I can't figure out what would look better. And I need to hang pictures but I don't know what where yet. I think a pop of color on an accent wall would be nice but then... do you do it on the wall with the stone feature or one of the other walls? Obviously. I need help.

A few other notes. Don't adjust your monitor. The big buddha cat on the ottoman (that would be Stubby, the three legged wondercat) has been pulling out his fur again which makes for the different shades of fur as it's thinner in spots. He does this periodically and we can't figure out why. It looks and feels disgusting. He seems to be adjusting well to basement living. I would feel bad about him sort of being confined down there (since he can't climb stairs) but that basement is as big or bigger than my last apartment and it's not much smaller than the house in Riverdale. He's got plenty of room to stretch out. He did try to climb the stairs the first night but apparently it was traumatic because he hasn't tried again. 

Little Kitty on the other hand is the master of this domain. 

Above he is supervising Mom cutting a canteloupe and in the second picture he is perched on the stool that I use for an end table beside the recliner in the living room. He looks kinda saucy, doesn't he? Notice the new collar with little jingle so that I can hear his little ninja self when he goes into hiding.

Anyways... I'm not sure if this blogging everyday thing is fun for anyone because obviously, my life can be super dull sometimes. (cue Toddler's and Tiaras watching). But maybe that's the point, that even a boring day is still a day in the life, right?

Have a great... Wednesday?... love and hugs, y'all!


Fat Free JAM said...

well i like reading about what you are up to......wishing I had some of your life right being in the mountains around that green