I soothe myself sometimes with a song that starts with the phrase, "When you're up against a struggle that shatters all your dreams... " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNYw_lWwwA8 <---You can watch it here... I'm not blogger savvy enough to embed... I'll figure that out one day. But the words are:
When you're up against a struggle
That's shattered all your dreams
And your hopes been cruely crushed
By Satan's manifested schemes.
And you feel the urge within you
To submit to earthyly fears
Don't let the faith your standing in
Seem to disappear
CHORUS:Praise the Lord.
He will work for those who praise him
Praise the Lord. For our God inhabits praise.
Praise the Lord. And those chains that seem to bind you
Serve only to remind you. As they fall powerless behind you. When you praise him.
Satan is a liar and he wants to make us think
That we are paupers, when we know ourselves
We're children of the king.
So lift up the mighty shield of faith
For the battle must be won
Remember Jesus Christ has risen
So the works already done.
I'm not big on reading lyrics... sorry to make you read them *smile*, just click the link and listen to it. The point is that our lives are a battlefield between good and evil, wrong and right, God and Satan. And sometimes it seems like good ain't nowhere near winning. And the road gets rough and it seems like the disappointments will never end... And we just feel spend our whole lives trying to resolve problems and put out fires and mend fences and deal with stuff we don't want to deal with. But there's more... so much more to it. At least there can be. There's a greater purpose and a greater Being and a great reward at the end of all of it.
Today I just needed some time alone. That seems awful selfish, I guess. It's Sunday and I should be in church, right? Today I just wanted to stay in my little quiet space and keep the headache away and not have to talk or engage with people or carry on conversations. Working 9 to 5 (or, in my case - 8:30-5:30) wears me out. I know lots of people work lots harder for lots longer. I know others would be grateful to have a job. Or the health to be able to work. I love my church. I love being there. I'm grateful ... but I kept feeling the need to be quiet.
And then it sorta hit me this morning that I was given the quiet to have an opportunity to pray, to intercede for the situations that need intercession. Just as there are so many in my life who have gone before the Lord for me in times when I didn't have a prayer. Literally. Where I couldn't find the strength to pray. Or the optimism. Or the patience. Or faith. And I know that where I am now is no accident.
So if you're opposed to the practice, the little red box with the x in it at the top right hand corner is for you. And I'll pray for you too. But if you're willing... you can spend a few minutes with me, seeing what's really on my heart today.
Say It Ain't So, Joe... for the first time in my life, ever, to know that God's hand is in a new friendship, to see His will and way in our lives, for that special anointing, for His permission, for His blessing... we pray... (hope you like your blog name... it took me some time to come up with it. at least three seconds)
Tammy... the sister of a friend who had brain surgery about two months ago and has been in ICU ever since. Her family has remained so strong and their faith is a testimony to all those who feel they can't take any more. For her healing and God's hand on their lives.
Jen... God hears your cries for help and He is there. He will provide.
Angie... Carry one anothers burden and so fulfill the law of Christ. And she does... like the Energizer Bunny... keeping us all together, interceding, serving, praising. I pray for God's continued blessing on her life, that she will know how precious she is to Him and realize that He is so proud of her.
Stasha... Fear not, for He is with you. He has prepared a wonderful future for you. You will be used of Him in such a mighty way. What a blessing to know you now, while you're growing into the woman He wants you to be. And I will be there to say, "I remember when..."
Jessie... God is great at filling in the blanks. Whatever you're missing, He will provide. He gave me sisters and daughters... And He will give you all you need, too.
Incoming Truett students... that they will be blessed by our community and bless our community and have the life changing experience that should happen during this time of transition between childhood and adulthood. That no harm will come to them, that Satan will be bound from their midst and that they will make an impact on the world because of their time in our little town. And that God will bless Emir, Hana and all those who work to form these young lives... that the burden of fostering them into great servants of God will be a blessing.
Katherine and David... seven years is a long time. Four kids is a lot. God's grace is sufficient.
Mary.... that God will return to you ten-fold what you have poured into the lives of others. That you will continue to bloom where you have been planted and rejoice that God had such great plans for you as a wife and mother and member of your community. I praise God that He knew all those years ago that I would go from pulling your hair to being your lifelong friend. He's like that. Planting seeds that bloom for a lifetime and then a legacy. How blessed we are!
A.T. ... the more life changes, the more it stays the same. Sometimes we have to be refined by fire. In some things, pain perfects us. I pray for you to know love like you've never known it before... that the tears you have sown will reap unspeakable joy. That your vulnerability and willingness to do whatever it takes for those you love will be returned to you, that you will have the reward you deserve for all the love you give.
my family - ... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Our thoughts become words and our words become actions. Speak of hope. Count your blessings. I pray that you can praise Him. I pray that the legacy you leave is one of optimism and encouragement.
grandma... that God will bless her in the way that she's blessed others. That she will continue to live a legacy of faith.
Michelle, Michele, Mechelle - lots of Michelle's in my life and God knows each face, God knows each name. God know their pain, He knows their burdens and He has a plan for each one. And how fun is it to say, "I'm praying for you, Michelle" and have a half dozen women be blessed by that!
Sarah - Children are a blessing from God, every man (and woman) should have a quiver full. My dad determined that a quiver was five arrows and so that's what we had... five of us. I suppose, by that standard, you have a quiver full too. And sometimes that quiver makes you quiver in fear... how will you meet each need? He knows. And He provides. I pray that you have the strength to keep that quiver full of arrows on the straight and narrow... and I praise God for your testimony.
Natalie - speaking of testimony... every time I think I can't, I look at the live of victory that you live and I know I can do it. I don't understand why some of us are gifted in that way... why we are given a testimony that we never wanted to bear... but i know that He blesses it... and I know that He will bless you for being that example of strength for so many.
Kim, Angie, Cindy, Tracy, Alisa, Cyndi, Misti, Michelle (again) and all of my hen party... Young Wives and mothers... I am neither young, nor a wife... but you took me in. You befriended me and prayed for me and learned with me and taught me. I am so excited about a new study, a new time together... and although some of you have moved away... I know that our hearts are forever bonded by the chains we have broken together.
Blogger Babes, Mother Hens and BFF's... strangers are just friends we have yet to meet and God has used you... so many of you... to be the community I longed for when I was in a place of isolation. You picked me up, you dusted me off, you listened to my whining and complaining and offered your assorted opinions and encouragement. God has placed each of you in my life for a precious reason and I am so glad to have you in my life... even if I don't remember your first name or where you live... your words and your friendship are stamped on my heart.
Kat, Jennifer, Mary - and the dozens - maybe hundreds - of others who have worked hard to know God's Word so they could share it with me... disciple me... encourage me... teach me... God bless these three ladies and all the ones who came before them... and all the ones who will come after them... for the excitement and passion they have imparted into my life.
Red headed Angels - Hours spent holding baby dolls and listening to music boxes are some of the most precious hours of my life. Lord, let me always see life through the eyes of a child and let me always have time to stop and cuddle baby dolls... and to find pleasure in the simple things in life. I'm not sure what I did to deserve to be loved in that way but I am so grateful.
Not Him - for having the wisdom and grace to say, "I'm gonna love you in a completely different way from what you ever expected" and to go on to be my prayer warrior and friend. Praise God for giving us the patience to say... "I'll wait for God's will"... when it would have been easier (seemingly) to join forces. God is good.
The Outlaws - who can say if I've been changed for the better... but... because I knew you... I have been changed for good. Praying for you all, daily, by name and proud to have been one of you, if only for a short time.
the Unlaw - you're always on the prayer list, whether or not you think you need it... you have a special place in my heart... to be able to laugh, to moan and groan... to know that somebody in my life "gets it"... is a bigger blessing than you know... and I so pray for you, every day, that God will give back to you in the way that you give to me... without ever writing a check!
Oh Brother! How good and pleasant it is when *siblings* live in unity. My brother told me yesterday that he has the girls brush their teeth in the morning before they eat because when he was little his dentist taught him that. We had the same dentist. How did he learn that lesson and yet it escaped me? Siblings are the keepers of our history... they are the ones who go through your whole life with you. So I pray God's blessings on all of mine...
Those who seek... and some of you come here because you're seeking something. I don't know what. Maybe you don't know. But I pray you find it. And I pray that you get something more out of my blog than just a catalog of my aches and pains... I pray that I can share with you more of the healer than I share of the hurt.
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. I watch mothers go through the empty nest syndrome and mourn for the loss of their children. I've never felt that loss... not that I don't miss my boys... but I guess I always felt that they'd be my babies, no matter where they live. I pray that God blesses them where they are... I pray that they learned something or other from me... that they know that mommy always loves them unconditionally... and that there is such a thing as unconditional love.
And I pray that somehow, something I've said makes a difference in your life today. Love and hugs, y'all.
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Wow . . . now I'm crying and don't know what to comment. I'm deeply humbled to know that you pray for me and am extremely thankful. I know that you and I both love the same Lord and that He has truly blessed us with a friendship that neither time nor distance can bind. I pray that you find peace, clarity and satisfaction.
this was very touching...wow...
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