I’m coughing today. It makes me angry.
My cuticles are a mess.
I just spent an hour quoting an RV policy – including doing research on the internet and talking with an auto service specialist to try to nail down an MSRP as we don’t have one in our system yet. And the insured wants to shop it around. Chasing rabbits.
The weather is cool and misty. We’re expecting it to clear up and be cooler for the weekend – highs in the 50’s. I’ll take it!
I’m having lunch at Sarabeth’s school today. That makes for a long afternoon so I brought yogurt for a snack for later. I have half of a milky way midnight dark in my desk drawer too. Just in case.
I’m going to restart the weight loss blog that has been sitting dormant since July when I was put on steroids. I’m still on a steroid nose spray but my energy level is better so I think I’ll be able to get things going in the right direction again. This morning I felt good enough to fold two loads of laundry before work. That’s new.
I talked to Ryan yesterday about spending Thanksgiving with him in Pennsylvania. Plane tickets round trip would be around $600 for the two of us. I’d have to have a big commission or two to justify the expense. I’m leaving it to God – if I’m supposed to go, we’ll have the money. If I’m not, we won’t. Plain and simple.
Looks like there’s some movement on the divorce. The latest online update shows “motion to set for hearing” as of yesterday. I’m not real sure what that means but… it’s new at least. The last update was in July. Maybe he decided that he didn’t want to waste the money he’s spent toward this divorce by not signing what he’s supposed to sign. I just hope and pray I don’t have to actually GO to Jacksonville to go to court. If I do, maybe I can stay at Dean’s apartment…
Last night at church was – well, boring. Our leader for our bible study group had back surgery and I guess they just haven’t thought about getting someone to lead the class. I haven’t been there for most of the study so I really can’t do much toward wrapping things up. We had two new ladies last night and I was a little embarrassed that things were disorganized. We had a good time chatting… which is nice… I need a little social interaction from time to time… but I also need the bible study. There was a committee that met in our classroom and they didn’t get out until late so there was a group of us standing in the hall not really sure where to go or what to do. A little awkward. But I enjoyed being with the girls.
Sarabeth got a birthday card from a boy… he went to a lot of trouble to draw her a picture inside the card. Her cheeks got red as she read it… and she pulled it out a few times and re-read it. It was cute! Jamie was having a bad case of “it’s not my birthday” blues. Poor girl! She and sister do everything together. I guess it’s hard not to birthday together.
It’s 3 hours later. Time is dragging today. Had lunch with Sarabeth and Angie at Sarabeth’s school. Chicken strips and potato wedges. It actually wasn’t that bad. And cupcakes! The kids were all keyed up. Sarabeth has this quiet wisdom about her… she watches all the craziness but remains above the fray.
It’s raining hard now. I can’t believe there are still four hours left in my work day. It feels like I’ve been here 8 hours already. I have spent the day doing complicated but unprofitable things. I’m going to have to close my door and just start calling people… gotta make some money somehow. My paycheck today was disappointing and I really only missed one day.
Today is my one year anniversary here.
Back to work. Have a great Thursday, y’all.
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
12 hours ago
well happy anniversary! I'm glad you're here and I can call you my aunt! =] and I'm really das that I missed eatting lunch with you Sarabeth and Angie today =[
Hope you're having a great night.
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