My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Monday, April 18, 2011

reasons to love monday...

It's been a long weekend. I'm fortunate to have had a long weekend because I would have been in no condition to sit at my desk over the past three days. I'm not sure I'm able to today but... I will go and do what I can do.

I'll only be at the office a little while this morning and then I'll have to leave and head down to the neurosurgeon's office in Gainesville. No staff meeting this morning (since we had two last week)... so I'll get to work at 8:30 and have to leave around 9 or 9:15 to go to the bank (since I missed payday on Friday) and then to the doctor.

It takes right at thirty minutes to travel from Demorest (where I work) to Gainesville. Most of the specialists I see are in Gainesville. There is a hospital and several doctors in Demorest but... the better doctors are in Gainesville and the better hospital is in Gainesville.

I haven't left the house since friday other than a brief trip out yesterday afternoon with Austin and my car was not running right. it wouldn't accelerate... and it scared me to death. I pray it was just a fluke and there's not anything wrong with it. It's almost paid for.

Some times I just want to look up to Heaven and cry, "ENOUGH!" I know that God promises not to give us more than we can handle but sometimes i think He trusts me too much. I'm joking.

When I had the first injection, there was a moment when the doctor hit a nerve and I cried out to him... he said that meant what he was doing was working. I doubted him then... and I doubt him even more now. that one nerve is the biggest source of pain for me... and yesterday it wouldn't let up. it hurt so bad that I couldn't catch my breath... who knows what kind of trauma they put that little nerve through when I was knocked out.

I have a feeling that when I talk to this neurosurgeon today that I'm going to just dissolve into tears... i'm so frustrated with this process. And... I also have to call my regular doctor today about the blood pressure situation... I imagine I'll have to go in and see them for them to prescribe anything for me and I don't want to get back on this medication roller coaster... but untreated high blood pressure is no good.

I'm weepy already today just thinking about it.

Soooo... time to change the tone of this entry and work on my Reasons To Love Monday...
1. I had a three day weekend...
2. Only 11 days until my birthday AND that means...
3. Only 11 days until the royal wedding AND... on top of that
4. I just got an email that showed there are only 11 days until my tax refund hits my bank account. (although it won't be much, it's a little something)
5. I've met my deductible so I shouldn't have much out of pocket today at the neurosurgeon's office.
6. Since I have the doctor appointment today, I won't be sitting at my desk for a full 8 hours today which should help with the pain
7. we're still enjoying a really beautiful spring here in the north Georgia mountains
8. we're expecting low 80 degrees temp and low humidity today - good hair weather
9. lots of good, healthy choices in my fridge for us to eat, I don't have to make a grocery run this week!
10. dancing with the stars is on tonight! I am so enjoying this season...
11. No storms predicted for us today... we've had some crazy weather in the southeast lately, deadly storms... but not for today.
12. Good coffee...
13. Holy week... Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. This week I'm going to work harder at seeing the bigger picture, rejoicing in the risen Saviour and I'm going to work on keeping my focus on His suffering than on my own.

Hope you find a few reasons to love monday this week!


Red*Hot@56! said...

I know it's your faith that helps you to always find the positives in your life, and I am grateful you do, as it gives hope to the rest of us that read your blog regularly. Good luck with the neuro appt today, I hope that God guides him to find help and relief for you!