What a delicious, luxurious 3 day weekend I've had! It was the perfect balance of socialization and nesting to make me feel rested, relaxed and loved. And although there is a part of me that would love to be in the nest for a few more days... I still found REASONS TO LOVE MONDAY!!!!
1. Winter break for the school system = no traffic on the roads! Not that there's ever MUCH traffic here in the sticks but I do live near an elementary school so there's a little bit of traffic. Today there will be NONE!
2. Lots of people get the whole time period between Christmas and New Year's off... so even LESS traffic!
3. The wind has been strong over the past day so I *believe* the roads are clear. Will have to be more alert than usual for icy patches but I think it will be an easy drive in.
4. I'm on 4th day hair. Since I was nesting yesterday and not seeing anyone... although it was hair washing day (every other day for me) ... I skipped it and went with a greasy ponytail. I didn't have to impress anyone so why waste the shampoo? Monday means I have to glam... and I love looking good.
5. No staff meeting today! I think D is pretty much an absentee boss this week... he's always just an email away but he isn't coming into the office which means no Monday morning staff meeting.
6. Getting out of the house makes it easier to get back on track with Weight Watchers. I had a serious case of the munchies yesterday and although I had promised myself to only use my daily points for the rest of the week since I didn't TRACK on Christmas day and almost definitely used up my weekly points... or at least a big chunk of them.... but yesterday... I dipped into those weekly points.
7. At least yesterday when I was over-indulging, I was over-indulging on bran muffins and lentils. Lemme jes tell ya... that is a combination that will get rid of any past indiscretions... if you know what I mean. Starting my week with a clean... um... slate.
8. There's a lot of snow still on the ground and it will stay around freezing all day so I can probably get some pretty snowy photos today.
9. I solved the problem of Bitty peeing on my bed. He's scared of tinfoil. When I get out of bed... I put two big long pieces of tinfoil on the bed and he won't go near it. Ha!
10. If all goes according to plan... I'll be heading to Stone Mountain Park on Friday to see my beloved Purple Michael. I say... if all goes according to plan... because we haven't yet received a confirmation about our holiday schedule. We're *supposed* to have New Year's Day off and if it falls on a weekend, it's D's discretion as to which day we have the holiday. Last week he was talking as if we might not get a day off at all- which will be a huge bummer because I have to get to the southside to get Austin and I planned to do that on Friday in conjunction with a trip to Stone Mountain.
11. Blog readers. Y'all give me a reason to love Monday because I just KNOW *hint hint* that lots of you come here every single Monday looking for inspiration. Do me a huge favor today and leave me a comment either here or on Facebook letting me know that you stopped by... and sharing YOUR reason to love Monday!
Hope you have a great Monday! Stay safe, warm, dry and happy!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Reason to love Monday?
I'm home with the hubster..we are going for a drive..a mooch around the shops and a trip to Starbucks to use our giftcard.. <3
loving monday because I have the day off. Ok, so technically it's a vacation day from work but still, I"M OFF WORK !!
I am off, too! Love the four day weekends. :-) Failed miserably at making sausage balls yesterday. They stuck to the pan and I think I used too much bisquick. Oh well!
I don't really love Mondays, but today, I'm up, breathing, have a roof over my head, food to eat, a job, etc. Still lots to be thankful for, but I still don't love Mondays!
We are coming up there Sat to keep JAMIE and SARABETH
I agree with Myra. I hope you have a wonderful Monday.
I love Monday because I get to spend it with my fam! Not much work for me this week... tomorrow and Wed I must fill in at my old job, but other than that I will spend the week purging my house and preparing to start the New Year with a clean slate! (hope a little something arrives in your mailbox today ;)
Mondays are my long days at work.. I don't like the extra hours working, but I like the increased paycheck. And once its over, the rest of the week is easier.. so.. it's a reason to like Monday!
Why is Bitty peeing on your bed I wonder?
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