It's a Wonderful Wednesday here in the nest! I've made it through two full days of work already this week... hitting my stride... gaining traction... "we're gonna make it after alllllll"...
Truly... every day is a blessing. I'm still dealing with just as much pain as I was on day one - maybe more. I'm fighting the tachycardia that makes me feel like at any minute I'm going to end up in the back of an ambulance. I've had headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds... obviously my blood pressure is still high and... still, every day is a blessing. (don't worry, I go back to the doctor tomorrow)
Every day that I get to the end of the work day and manage to drag my tired bones home... and manage to interact with a kid who isn't always sociable... and manage to give the poor three legged kitty a little bit of attention... and eat a little something or other... those days are a blessing because I keep finding the courage, strength, energy, determination, chutzpah - whatever you want to call it - to keep on going.
Every day that I am able to add in random necessities of life such as remembering to pay the bills, put gas in the car, keep food in the house... makes me feel ten feet tall and bullet proof.
Every day that goes by without child support (today is day 25) that I manage to spread my little bit of loaves and fishes out far enough to feed a growing teenager... every day that Austin cooperates and goes to school... every day that he does the chores I ask him to... every day (like yesterday) that he volunteers and goes above and beyond what I ask him to... every funny story we share with each other... every moment we spend together... I thank God for allowing me to be a mommy and I thank Him even more for allowing me to be the mommy to the kids He gave me. They were my purpose for living... still are.
Every morning I wake up able to go to work. Every time the car starts. Every time I fill up the gas tank. Every meal. Every sunrise. Every sunset. Every patch of honeysuckle. Every magnolia tree in full bloom... I know that I am living a charmed life. I know that I am blessed. I know that every challenge is a reminder that I need God's help for my daily bread... and I know that every ounce of beauty that fills my life is a reminder that He's doing what He promised.
The destination is unknown to me but the journey is amazing!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
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