Mother's Day is tomorrow. I doubt I'll see my mom... or grandma... or my kids... and that's ok. True love is knowing what you mean to each other even when you aren't with that person. I am a little sentimental, though, today, thinking about what it's meant to me to be a mother. It has been my greatest accomplishment, my most difficult challenge and no matter how hard it was (is) at times, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Although I wanted little girls... I can't imagine what my life would have been like without those three boys. I am so blessed.
I was also blessed to have a mother who devoted her life to her children. Our house was always clean, despite the fact that she didn't have dishwasher or a clothes dryer. She washed the clothes every morning and hung them on the line to dry... even the cloth diapers that all my little brothers wore. She didn't have a car - our family only had one - so she walked with us to school. She kept kids for extra money... and when I had my kids, she kept them, usually for free. She faithfully served in the nursery at church nearly every week even though she had kept kids all week. We ate almost every meal at home... she cooked... she grew a garden... she kept up the lawn... she was tireless. I could count on one hand the times she raised her voice at us.
Once she had grandchildren, she devoted her life to them. She took them to school, picked them up from school, took them to their extra-curricular activities... took them to the doctor... She was and still is, someone they know they can always count on. Her love is unconditional. Even now, she drives her granddaughter-in-law to her college classes every day. She sews dresses for her granddaughters. She crochets blankets for everyone.
I grew up in a home without dysfunction with two loving parents. And my children, although there has been PLENTY of dysfunction in my life, have always had their grandparents to lean on, to give them that last line of defense they need. I'm convinced that there is nothing my parents wouldn't do for their children and grandchildren. Few people can say that. Few people can have that kind of confidence, that kind of security. I'm sure that my faith comes, in part, from the understanding that my parents always are willing to stand in the gap for us.
We are not a perfect family. We have experienced our share of discord and disappointment. My mother's health isn't good. Lately, mine isn't either. We all have personality traits and characteristics that make us difficult to live with at times... but God has blessed our family and on this Mother's Day, I want to thank God for the mother He gave me.
Love and hugs, y'all
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Thank you, I love you
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