Is it a full moon? Lots of crazy so far today. No claims, though. I thought we’d have some weather related claims but it appears that we all stayed safe. It’s time for spring to come. I’m done with this snow anticipation.
It’s really just one of those “man plans and God laughs” sort of days, I guess. I’m a little discouraged… when I told D about the Disaster Recovery certification he came back with, “you don’t have the kind of job that would allow you to do that sort of thing…”. Um. Well. Yeah. I thought I did. At any rate… I’ll still go and get certified and trust that if God needs to use me somewhere, he’ll make a way and soften whatever hearts need to be softened. Ultimately, my responsibility is to do what God wants me to do first… and that’s what I’ll do. And I’m completely, one hundred percent certain that this is what God wants me to do.
I hate one someone asks me a question (on something State Farm related) and then fact checks me by asking someone else because they don’t trust the answer I gave them. If you don’t think I know… don’t ask. Argh!
Today is payday but the new accounting firm we’re using is late dropping them off. I have to take mine to the bank TO-DAY! I’m stressing that they won’t be here prior to my lunch time. Then I have to either roll with the punches or be a fly in the ointment and miss time from work. It’s aggravating. I’m holding out and going a little late in hopes that they will be here soon. Another argh!
I’ve got a half dozen things going on today… jumping from one thing to another… new stuff coming in before I finish the stuff I’m working on. Frustrating.
Here’s my food from yesterday – it was weird…
No breakfast. We were going to go out before church and ended up not having enough time.
After church we went to La Cabana where I had chips and salsa and cheese dip (not a lot but enough) and then the Mexican chicken and rice soup – which is awesome, I need to make it myself with brown rice. I ate a few bites of Austin’s fajita meat.
Then… late afternoon I had half of an egg salad sandwich – made with greek yogurt instead of mayo on wheat bread. THEN… I had a half almond butter and banana Sammy on wheat and an orange.
For dinner-ish I had half a head of cabbage roasted (which is really yummy!)
And later I had a bowl of banana nut cereal.
Not my best eating day ever but not horrible.
It’s weird because I’ve never ate this well in my life… even when I was steadily losing weight. I get on the scale with high expectations thinking that it HAS to come off. And it’s not coming off. And I’m trying to maintain my focus on the fact that I’m feeling tons better but… after a month… I want results! Especially since the only medication I’m taking is the anti-depressant and I’m only taking it every other day (and feeling fine, I’m watching it carefully).
Breakfast today was pinto beans because I wanted them. They’re super healthy – I cooked them from dried beans so there’s none of that processing with salt and fat that comes with canned beans.
Then I had a handful of almonds for snack.
Lunch is going to be a whole almond butter and banana Sammy on whole wheat with … maybe with an orange. I may not need that much to eat.
And then there’s yogurt and blueberries for snack.
I haven’t planned dinner yet. There some butternut squash I need to eat… and brown rice… maybe with some grilled chicken? Who knows.
I guess I’m going to have to give up on getting paid today. I’ll just have to walk in faith for another day. It always works out somehow. Somehow.
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
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