I woke up this morning with a sore throat, an upset stomach and muscle spasms. I am sick of these muscle spasms... they won't let up... and my muscles in my back, hips and rear end are so sore from the constant spasm. Muscle relaxers work for about three hours and then the spasms start up again. There's no point talking to the doctor about it because until they have the results from the MRI, there's nothing more they can do for me. I imagine they'll have the MRI results tomorrow or Wednesday.
My greatest fear, honestly, is that they'll review the MRI and say, "it's not that bad"... and I'll end up having to just deal. And, I fear the other extreme where they say, "the only way to fix it is surgery" or something else that would involve an extended period out of work because... there's just no way. So... I guess you could sum it up by saying that my fear is that I will end up having no resolution to this...
Usually by Monday, I have rested enough that the pain isn't bad... I will have stayed in the position where things hurt the least for long enough that the inflammation has gone down enough that I can at least start the weak with less pain. It's worse today than it was Friday morning... despite the fact that I have done literally NOTHING all weekend.
So that's my whine for today. Sorry that it's not uplifting or inspirational. Let's see if I can't give myself an attitude adjustment by finding reasons to love Monday...
1. I made it through the weekend with only one ugly argument with Austin. The rest of the time he was fairly copacetic.
2. It's cold this morning - 34 degrees - that's really cool for March - so I'll get to wear my cute boots again. I need to get some new warm weather shoes... maybe next payday.
3. The coffee is good today... I set up the coffee maker last night so all I had to do was push "on"... I have irish creme creamer... so it's a good start.
4. We've had poptarts in the house for two days and I haven't eaten any. Poptarts are my drug of choice... they're like crack to me... I can't resist them.
5. I made a really good roast in the crockpot yesterday... I think there are leftovers for today's lunch.
6. Cooler weather will keep the pollen count down. I don't have BAD allergies but pollen does affect me.
7. Austin caught up the laundry for us yesterday - he volunteered. It's not folded but at least it's washed.
I'm having a hard time coming up with reasons today... let's do a blitz...
8. I'm grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life...
9. I'm grateful to have a job, to still be physically able to work,
10. to have a car that runs
11. and clothes to wear.
12. I'm grateful that we're not in the midst of a war zone...
13. that we aren't facing some natural disaster...
14. I'm grateful that I have an almost full tank of gas...
15. that I paid most of my bills out of the last paycheck...
16. I'm grateful that we're only 9 days from the next paycheck...
Maybe those are normal, mundane, "every week" kind of blessings... but I guess it's best to be humbly grateful instead of grumbly hateful...
Got to start the glam routine early... staff meeting this morning. Love and hugs...
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
19 hours ago
Sometimes its just enough to say Thank you Lord and ask for nothing in return. Days like that ought not be so few and far between. Today's post reminded me of that. Thanks Heather, praying for you...have a great week.
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