My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Saturday, February 21, 2009

out of commission

Welllllll... the power cord for my laptop that I just replaced on January 1st is no longer working. The warranty was for thirty days. Go figure. The battery was not really holding a charge and would go dead within seconds of being unplugged so I know I need a new battery and definitely a new power cord. Until I can get those replaced... I'll be pretty much out of touch.

I know how y'all worry!

I'm at work this morning, lots to do, just wanted to update. love and hugs!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope you can get the power cord anyway. It is cheaper than the battery. At home I always have mine plugged in but it's nice to have the battery sometines. Hope your Saturday is a good one.

cw2smom said...

I think you may be able to find a universal power cord at a computer store, if that helps! Hang in there kiddo! Blessings, Lisa