Soooooo.... the ear pain, as it turns out, is jaw pain. There is a cyst under my right eye that is totally harmless and benign... it can be removed at some point but it is not a priority and it is not the reason for the horrible ear pain (which, btw, I have tonight). The ENT did a really thorough exam today and determined that at some point my jaw was dislocated and it has not ever really gone back into place. The times that the pain is worse... it's when things are all inflamed and swollen... at the end of the day when I've been talking a lot... on Sundays after I've been singing... and so I have been referred to an oral surgeon. I don't know what they can/will do to fix the jaw issue... but in the meantime I'm supposed to avoid talking and singing as much as possible and eat a soft diet. Seriously. Me. Not talking. I talk for a living.
I have an appointment with the oral surgeon on the 19th - the earliest they could get me in was the 17th and I have to take an Ethics class that day. The ethics is a requirement for maintaining my insurance license so it's important to get those hours in (on the clock) (with the class paid for) whenever I have the opportunity. The surgeon will call if they have a cancellation before the 19th. My ENT has given me an anti-inflammatory to take for now. Which... has given me quite a buzz... thank you, very much...
So my goal for the weekend is to not talk. Seriously. I haven't done a good job of that so far... had a talk with Angie about the damage to their house... and then talked to my Crunch n Munch... but since then... not a peep... and I have no plans or obligations except church on Sunday... and I can *theoretically* be quiet at church. At least I can skip singing.
I had to knock some heads together today regarding Jim and Angie's damage to their house. Their adjuster was telling Jim that it was ok to stay in their house, despite the exposed wiring. He expressed concern about danger to his children and the adjuster told him he just needed to watch his children more carefully. I take my clients needs pretty seriously... and although Jim and Angie aren't insured through my agency, they're still clients... and how we take care of "our" clients as a company reflects on me. But when it's about my GIRLS and what danger they're exposed to... well, I had to have a talk with this lady.... and she caught the full brunt of my frustration! Long story short... she is no longer assigned to their claim and Jim and Angie got a call from their agent (my uncle) within an hour or so. They're still not able to live in their house... and we don't know how long it will be before they can.
I'm watching a show on Discovery Health about autistic savants. It's fascinating.
Hope you have a good evening... love and hugs, y'all!
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
You don't know me, but I've been reading long enough to guess that your jaw might not have been dislocated by accident. If I'm anywhere near right, you definitely need additional legal counsel (and compensation) beyond just getting a divorce.
Yup....LB above my comment hit the nail on the head. Mmm Hmmm. I said the same exact thing Leila. You are not alone in that sentiment and trust me, HEATHER WILL BE SEEKING LEGAL COUNSEL. It's absolutely outrageous.
Heather...You picked up my "MUNCH" part of the crunch from my email yesterday. LOL. It's a "keeper" I guess. I feel priveledged. LOL.
regarding what leila and jen said, for your jaw to have come out of place, you would have had to have noticed something at the time....I mean, that would have HURT. and HURT like HELL. unless you weren't conscious. I have a friend that hit herself right in the TMJ with her baton, and her jaw was hinged open for hours until she went to the ER and it was popped back in.. A jaw doesn't just "come out" of place. Even one that gets exercised a So seriously, be thinking about when that could have happened. When did you first notice the pain? has it been ongoing since "that day?" because if it has....hmmm. i think some redneck justice might be called for....
Heather, I've known you for a LONG tome through your blog (I'm Patty ... your California "twin" with the parallel life ... remember?) My first thought when I read this post was the same as the others; I immediately said, "That Bast*rd!" Heather, the very first time I knew how abusive he was ... was after reading a post where you described how he woke you up from a dead sleep with a glass of ice cold water poured over your head ... and then proceeded to have a "pillow fight"/wrestling match that left you with severe pain for days after. You said that it was "all in fun" at the time. And, I remember thinking at the time ... NO! That's ABUSE! He's a sadist!!! Those were my thoughts then ... and it was downhill every day after that. I remember reading about countless displays of control and abuse from then on .... until ultimately, he pressured you to end your blogging.
Heather Dear ... I'm with Tina, Jen (BTW ... Hi Jen) and LB. Try to remember "that day" ... and now that you have a medical diagnosis ... file charges IMMEDIATELY. If you wait ... no court or judge will take you seriously.
Much love to you ... it's good to see you "coming back". You were SO strong ... and he took you down! He never deserved you!
I hope they have finally discovered the cause and some help will be on the way soon. Too bad you had to wait so long.
See your doctor. Consult an attorney. Trust your instincts.
Not talking would be a really hard goal for me!! I hope you do well at it and that the pain goes away. Linda
I'm with everyone else...he did this to you. You may not remember the EXACT day or incident, but he did it. Do not let him get away with it. As much as you don't care for his "flavor of the day" (she'll find out soon enough), if you can help the next woman from being his victim, you are one up on him. Please seek legal counsel!
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