My People

My People
My matched set of grandchildren - Oliver and Cosette

Saturday, April 24, 2010

my weekend...

Sometimes it just doesn't go the way you planned...

I've had some busy weekends lately. This was supposed to be another one... but my head is killing me, we've got bad storms coming and I'm broke. The child support that was promised has not materialized so we're going to have one of those *counting pennies* weeks ahead. Happy. Birthday. To. Me.

Honestly, I just know that what needs to happen always does happen in my life. I know that I'm not really up for a four hour drive this weekend. I know that Austin and I both need to be tending to our chest crud. I know. I know. I know all this is true. I think a sign of growing older is the ability to take a realistic inventory of your resources of time, energy and money and use them in the best way possible.

I hope that's what I'm doing today.


Lainey Laine said...

Hope your weekend was ok Heather. So sorry about the maintenance. I went through a couple of years with that problem. Laine xx

Bree said...

Ooo ouch I know all about pinching pennies. Good Luck girl. And I hope the rest of your week only gets better from here.

Overcomer said...

I bet you could find something to do after hours...even from home...make some extra money. I moonlighted (typing for doctors at home) many years while raising my daughter alone. It was a lifesaver, because I never saw a penny of child support.