I slept well last night and woke up before 6am (as usual). I've spent all morning lazily reading blogs and checking email and updating facebook. I've grown to be more of a facebook addict. I like it better than myspace.
Stubby the three legged wondercat is glued firmly to my leg. I remember what Tina said about Stubby being a nurse cat. He is definitely watching over me. I sorta want a new kitten but I'm afraid of turning into that crazy cat lady. Stubby will not let me get an inch from him... if i shift over a bit... he shifts over.
I'm mulling over my options for today. Do I want to nest and rest? Do I want to do a bit of Christmas shopping? I don't have much to spend and won't... I'm buying first for the kids, then for my nieces, then for my parents, and once I've accomplished that, I'll buy for my brothers and their sig others and so on. I'm not buying much for anyone.
I've always respected Barry's perspective on Christmas - he doesn't give gifts. It's fine if people want to. He's not cheap or Scroogish... he just believes the focus of Christmas belongs somewhere else. I know that it drives me NUTS when I hear someone say, "We don't even have money to buy Christmas." You don't buy Christmas. You celebrate it. Jesus certainly didn't come into the world to promote materialism. I have had times of plenty at Christmas time and times of want and I will tell you the truth... I can't remember one time being any more *magical* than the other. It feels good to do special things for the people I love but I hate the whole process of obligatory gift giving. It's so hard for me to spend my grocery money buying something for someone that I know they don't need and probably won't like just to be able to check them off the list.
There is a Christmas festival and light parade in town tonight. I'm sorta thinking about going except for the fact that it conflicts with the SEC Championship game. And it will be cold. And Austin and I both have colds.
There is also a Festival of Trees at a local state park and I'm thinking that might be nice to check out. The trees are in the lodge so we wouldn't be out in the cold that long... and the only cost of admission is $3 to park.
I have a turkey thawed in the fridge that needs to be cooked today. It was my free turkey I got from collecting Ingles points. Woohoo! So we'll have a bit of a feast for dinner, Austin and I.
I also need to do some online shopping... and pay a bill or two... and clean some bathrooms... lots of fun stuff.
I guess i better go thru the glam routine so I can start my day... more later! *hugs*
The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue
11 hours ago
Hello what ever you decide to do today I hope you have a blessed day I have something on my blog for you it is a award please go pick it up and share it with seven people Thank you God Bless Kat:)
Just noticed the last picture of you and Purple Michael ... nice!
I won't mind if the Gators won, just for you ... but I want 'bama to win ...
... oh, do your Christams the best you can, and that is that with that!
I just read this entry and thought . . . oh, she's feeling a bit down today . . . then I read last night's entry . . . I'm so sorry. Cut all ties with him . . . it's not good for you . . . but I am glad that you know you can turn to "His" Word to find the answers you are seeking.
I love you,
ps/go Bama!
I hope today was a better day, Heather.
One of my Mom's pet peeves right now is hearing people say "We can't afford to have Christmas this year!" Mom says, "Christmas isn't about THINGS, and if they feel like they won't have Christmas because they can't buy presents, they've got the wrong idea."
Hugs, Beth
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